Maybe he wasn't ready for Hollywood, but with his dark broad eyes and his thick brown hair, he had the looks that turned girls' heads.
His skin was grey and his eyes had terrible dark circles under them. He was shuffling when he walked, and this was after only ten days!
Behind both of the glass Windows within blinked a living eye, dark and handsome as Tom Riddle's eyes had been before he turned them scarlet and slit-pupiled.
As she looked at Warrington's manly face, and dark, melancholy eyes, she had settled in her mind that he must have been the victim of an unhappy attachment.
She thought of his deep dark eyes and his cute smile. He did make her feel special. He had even told her that he loved her.
He had narrow shoulders and a hint of dark circles around his pale 51 hazel eyes.
He would have been a handsome man if his eyes had not been two dark mud-coloured dots, set close together, wholly lacking in expression.
He would have been a handsome man if his eyes had not been two dark mud-coloured dots, set close together, wholly lacking in expression.