Simon was afraid he had fallen asleep, but apparently the little man was merely thinking, in a slow, wine-addled way.
He lay on his back limply, as though all the strength had gone out of his limbs, and presently I saw that he had fallen asleep.
When he woke up, two police officers fined him because he had fallen asleep on two seats (you mustn't use two seats in the subway).
Doubtless, despite his suffering, he had fallen asleep while walking, for now he sees another scene — perhaps he has merely recovered from a delirium.
"I figured he had just either passed out or maybe he had fallen asleep," said onlooker Leroy Anderson, who said he had been watching the man for 30 minutes before fire engines arrived.
He stayed up late, watching basketball or reading, waiting until he knew that Colleen had fallen asleep and then slipping silently into bed beside her, careful not to disturb her.
He didn't seem like the same person who had fallen asleep last night on the couch before the six o 'clock news was finished.
He didn't seem like the same person who had fallen asleep last night on the couch before the six o 'clock news was finished.
Later he told his parents that he had been a dockworker who had fallen asleep in the hold of a ship when a heavy oil drum fell on him and killed him instantly.
After he had finally fallen asleep, a small voice began crying plaintively, from deep within his dreams, "Get off my clothes!"
Despite his age, there was confidence in the way he moved about the place. He didn't seem like the same person who had fallen asleep last night on the couch before the six o'clock news was finished.
尽管年纪大了,他走到哪儿都信心十足的样子。 鲆他好像完全换了一个人,不像昨晚那样,六点钟的新闻还没有播完他就在躺椅上睡着了。
When they had fallen asleep, this bee transformed itself into a big monkey and this monkey ate all the peaches and drank all the wine. As soon as he had finished he disappeared.
When they had fallen asleep, this bee transformed itself into a big monkey and this monkey ate all the peaches and drank all the wine. As soon as he had finished he disappeared.