The only reason why he lost weight was because we had changed our diet recently and started eating seafood instead of meat.
In principle, the heavier person could make the necessary cuts in stages—reducing his daily intake again and again as he lost weight.
Parents do not need to worry first, most newborn babies, especially the one who was fed up with breast milk, in the first few days after he was born and he lost weight.
He cites research that showed that people on a raw food diet, including meat and oil, lost a lot of weight.
He had lost a lot of weight, and the chemotherapy had taken all of his hair, even his eyebrows, but his mind and heart were still strong.
He says he feels better, he's at his high school weight (he's lost 24 pounds so far), and that he expects to live longer as a result.
He noticed significant weight gain among patients who suffered severe head trauma and had lost their sense of smell.
He had lost a lot of weight and was still pale, but he was back to his old buoyant and aggressive self.
She had lost weight on her travels, and he didn’t think she looked better than before.
Immediately after that he came up to me and started complaining that I am not feeding him enough because he lost 10 pounds (he was not planning on losing weight at all!)
Investors have become increasingly worried about his health after he appeared at the company's annual developers' conference last month having lost a significant amount of weight.
The weight loss soon after the diagnosis, he says, "is like you are creating a honeymoon period" during which the diabetes is under better control than if you hadn't lost the weight.
My husband lost so much weight that he has to wear a belt to keep his trousers up.
He came to the training ground but he feels very weak and he lost some weight.
She still wrote to Karl and he wrote back Helen had a tooth, Aiko's English was improving, Karl had lost weight.
When he put on the balance of conscience in life when all ignoble peace people lost their lives weight.
He fell apart, lost a lot of weight, parked for hours near our house, even slept on our concrete front porch a couple of times.
Nick has lost a lot of weight, he feels good and looks good, we all feel good and sound good and we're ready for this whole new tour and whole new record.
Even if the person hasn't lost an ounce of weight, photography can make it look like he or she has dropped pounds — even without retouching.
Even if the person hasn't lost an ounce of weight, photography can make it look like he or she has dropped pounds — even without retouching.