The bed piano allows a music lover to play the piano while he is lying in bed.
Lying in bed alone each night, waiting for her, he feels like a fool for needing her so much-and also angry that she can't see how deeply her absence affects him.
Chen, originally weak physically, declined rapidly after the operation. He had been lying in bed for nearly a month.
There was Brill, lying in bed, and little by little you slip into the skin of this other being, and find out who he is, and the novel starts to emerge out of this.
But lying in bed at night, or when he sees her hairbrush on the dressing table, or looks up from reading the newspaper ready to share a thought, he is overwhelmed with emptiness.
The next day after he lived in hospital, Wang came to visit him. Seeing her walk into the room, Chen felt very thrilled lying in bed.
And he came in swiftly, and placed the child in her arms, and she kissed it, and laid it in a little bed where the youngest of their own children was lying.
Two days later my shock and grief deepened when I discovered Cheyenne lying dead beside Dad's bed. I wrapped his still form in the rag rug he had slept on.
The author of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” and “In Cold Blood” claimed to be a “completely horizontal author.” He said he had to write lying down, in bed or on a couch, with a cigarette and coffee.
杜鲁门.凯波特(Truman Capote):这位《第 凡内早餐》和《冷血》的作者声称自己是一个“完全的横向作者”,他说他必须得躺着才能写作,在床上或者沙发上,叼着烟拿着咖啡才行。
He introduced me to his wife and his son who was lying 6 listlessly in a hospital bed.
Not until he saw his mother lying in bed dying, did he realize how much he loved her.
Not until he saw his mother lying in bed, dying, did he realize how much he loved her.
Not until he saw his mother lying in bed, dying , did he realize how much he loved her.
She was lying in his bed fully clothed, and when he came in she said, "All right, let's get married."
Not until he saw hellos mother lying in bed, dying, did he realize how much he loved her.
He rose to his seat, and found himself lying on his bournous in a bed of dry heather , very soft and odoriferous.
The boy lying in bed lied that he had laid the egg laid by the hen in the basket lying on the ground.
Grandfather died shortly afterwards, and looked at the mother lying in bed crying fiercely that although there is no flow of tears, but the heart is really very sad, he felt a little fault!
Looked up to the Pang brother, he told me that lying in bed do not move to approve the one robe and went out.
He introduced me to his wife and his son who was lying listlessly in a hospital bed.
Each time he lay down next to his wife in that bed, he thought of his mistress imagining him lying down next to his wife in that bed, and each time he thought of her he felt ashamed.
MeiXianZu orders will he carried into his own house, and let him lying in my bed.
One morning, the giant is lying in bed. He suddenly hears something. It sounds like a bird singing.
One morning, the giant is lying in bed. He suddenly hears something. It sounds like a bird singing.