He turned on the TV but nothing was happening - a blank screen.
After supper, he turned on the TV and sat on the sofa, then he took the remote controller and chose his favorite — Sports Channel.
The TV presenter accused of commissioning murders to boost the ratings of his daily crime show was in prison yesterday, remanded on murder and drug trafficking charges after he had turned himself in.
This was the same guy who turned down an appearance on my PBS-TV miniseries Triumph of the Nerds because his PR people claimed he was "too shy."
因为他的PR人声称他实在“太怕羞了。”,而这个人就曾在我的PBS - TV电视连续短剧-小人物的胜利-中扮演过某个角色。
He mumbled something and turned on the TV.
Watching people rock-climb on TV, he thought that, 'All I have to do is hold on to the rocks and go up', but as it turned out, it wasn't that simple.
Watching people rock-climb on TV, he thought that, 'All I have to do is hold on to the rocks and go up', but as it turned out, it wasn't that simple.