In some situations, as many as nine out of ten patients presenting to a primary healthcare provider receive an injection, over 70% of which are unnecessary or could be given in an oral formulation.
If you don't want to or can't breastfeed, talk to your healthcare provider regarding the myriad of formula options.
If you haven't done so yet find yourself a healthcare provider you trust and feel comfortable with.
If you haven't done so yet, find yourself a healthcare provider you trust and feel comfortable with.
Talk to your healthcare provider about options especially if you have been trying to conceive for at least nine months without result.
There is a service to receive a HIPAA ANSI 270 transaction request submitted by a healthcare provider.
有一个服务用来接收由保健提供者提交的一个HIPAAANSI 270交易请求。
Discuss your options with your healthcare provider.
This is a good time to clarify your preferences with your healthcare provider and pick out CDs to include in your hospital bag.
Talk to your healthcare provider or pediatrician about the pros and cons if you are unsure.
For example, a small healthcare provider can employ a profile composed of standards that govern security.
Contact your doctor or healthcare provider before travelling to a health facility, and report your symptoms.
Consult your healthcare provider to make sure your running plan is safe and specific for your needs. Every woman and every pregnancy is different.
It is the world's largest insurer against property damage and the top provider of retirement annuities for schoolteachers and healthcare workers.
I am selecting a PRPM_IN306050CA schema, which defines a healthcare provider query.
我选择了PRPM_IN306050 CA架构,其定义了医疗保健提供商查询。
The UCLA Health System is one such organization: a multi-hospital healthcare provider with a diversity of clinical and healthcare applications.
Consider discussing preventive (also called prophylactic) surgery with your healthcare provider.
The system forwards the request to the healthcare provider for approval (that is, invokes the makeReservation Web service) (3.4) and finally confirms the reservation to the patient.
Your healthcare provider or pediatrician (if you've already selected on) can help, too.
Talk to your healthcare provider about medications you’re taking—you may need to alter the dosage or stop taking some of them.
If you plan to start a fitness program get medical clearance from your healthcare provider prior to starting.
Once registered as a healthcare service provider, each of them can take advantage of a central reservation system.
Talk to your healthcare provider about options, especially if you have been trying to conceive for at least nine months without result.
Once you’re pregnant your healthcare provider will up the medical professionals recommend that all women of child-bearing age take a multivitamin with folic acid regularly.
For them, mental distress is a personal problem, not something requiring the attention of others, least not a trained healthcare provider.
Work closely with your healthcare provider to manage your diabetes and control any other risk factors.
Patients with any symptoms of muscle pain or weakness, dark or red urine, or unexplained tiredness to contact their healthcare provider immediately.
Additionally, treatment by a male healthcare provider may also bring shame to a woman's family, forcing her to go without treatment.
Your healthcare provider will decide which antibiotic is best.
If it is not possible to contact your healthcare provider in advance, communicate your suspicion of having swine influenza immediately upon arrival at the healthcare facility.
Discontinuation of the product may cause a rebound effect (worsening of the condition) and you should therefore consult your doctor or healthcare provider about suitable treatments.