Skip rinsing dishes before using your dishwasher and save up to 20 gallons of water each load. Plus, you're saving time and the energy used to heat the additional water.
The normal electric water heater is about 5, 000 watts but it can heat up 50 gallons in a relatively short time.
常规电热水器的功率通常为5 000瓦,但是它能够在相应短的时间里加热50加仑的水。
They use a magnetic field to heat up pans, bring water to a boil in half the time it takes now, and allow for slow cooking.
If you have no time to make them, you can buy them in supermarkets. Then you take them home, heat them up and eat them with vinegar.
I don’t take this route often, but I’ll usually have a can of Amy’s spicy vegetarian chili or baked beans or something that I can heat up at work if I don’t have time to prepare lunch.
But usually, heat moves from a warmer place to a cooler place - so heat should be warming up your refrigerator all the time.
It started out OK, but soon I noticed I was losing a lot of time at the slow sections due to the fact that I couldn't heat up the front tires.
In a similar manner, Earth will continue to heat up as the molecular rotation increases over time, allowing for a heightened vibration.
The longer heat recovery time slows the speed of adsorber temperature-up and temperature-down so as to effect on refrigerating power and COP.
You would have to submit to demanding rules, follow a suitable diet, vigorously exercise at a regular time in both heat and cold, and give up drinking.
Vehicles spend a period of time in an Open Loop air-fuel ratio programming until the oxygen sensors heat up to proper operating temperature of approximately 316 degrees Celsius.
Once you're in your hotel room, you can even heat these up or chill them in the fridge for an even more relaxing time.
In the capacity upgrade of Jiangsu grid, new GTACSR288 gapped heat resistant up-rating conductor is used for the first time.
This is because heat can be stored in other parts of the system, such as the oceans, for a time, and thus not show up on meteorologists' thermometers.
And then use the time to prove his own judgment, is really for, is it right? At the instant of the marvel later, the feelings will continue to heat up, rather than cooling into ice.
This paper studies the influences of water treatment temperature, water treatment time and the heat-up process on the water solubility of the water soluble vinylon fiber.
Expressions of heat removal factor, efficient factor and time constant of the four types of cavity receiver have been deduced and test for trough solar collector system has been set up.
At present has been entered June, chase gradual change to heat up as weather, summer vacation time is forthcoming also.
All the patients were followed-up for a long time. In the control group, none was cured, 78 cases turned better (81.25%) and 18 cases ineffective (18 75%), no local heat sensation and ruddy color.
对照组与实验组均以随访统计时间进行疗效评定,对照组痊愈者无,好转78例(占81 2 5 %),无效18例(占18 75 %),局部发热感与红润均不明显。
All the patients were followed-up for a long time. In the control group, none was cured, 78 cases turned better (81.25%) and 18 cases ineffective (18 75%), no local heat sensation and ruddy color.
对照组与实验组均以随访统计时间进行疗效评定,对照组痊愈者无,好转78例(占81 2 5 %),无效18例(占18 75 %),局部发热感与红润均不明显。