Though the improvement of manufacture technology of the modules welding between spire-wing tube and header for combined cycle heat recovery boiler, difficulty of the assembling was shortened.
The results would offer theoretical basis for control system of heat recovery steam generator in the combined cycle.
Discussed the selecting principle of pinch point and approach temperature point it is belong to the HRSG (heat recovery steam generator) of minitype combined gas-steam cycle.
This paper analyzed the problems existing in the commissioning of heat recovery boiler and steam turbine in a175MW gas-steam combined cycle generating unit and put forward the improvement proposals.
Described is a method of superheated steam regulation for the heat recovery boiler of a gas steam combined cycle power plant, the so called boiler drum saturated steam attemperation.
The paper discusses the selecting principle of pinch point and approach temperature point which belongs to the HRSG (heat recovery steam generator) of minitype combined gas-steam cycle.
The paper discusses the selecting principle of pinch point and approach temperature point which belongs to the HRSG (heat recovery steam generator) of minitype combined gas-steam cycle.