There are no footprints, no type tracks and no heavy machinery like a bulldozer…Nothing was ever brought in to move these heavy rocks.
There are plenty of places around the globe where people have no access to heavy machinery but do know how to deal with wind, sailing and basic mechanical principles.
The rumbling of heavy machinery started.
It can power cars, trains and heavy machinery.
Do not use any sort of heavy machinery — drill press, lathe, or mill; it will not be safe.
By the week's end, workers driving heavy machinery would begin razing the remaining buildings in town.
Described are the requirements of heavy machinery industry on railway special cars in recent years.
And China is Japan's biggest customer of expensive exports like heavy machinery and high tech gear.
Heavy machinery from Spain and Australia including a 29-ton hydraulic ball is being assembled at the mine.
At last, they heard the rumbling of heavy machinery. That went on for perhaps five or six hours, the couple guessed.
"We are trying to fill that breach with heavy machinery, but we have also warned people to be alert," Mr. Usman said.
Zhengzhou Jiangtai Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. Is special manufacturer engaging in production and sales machines.
Each element should not exceed a size that could be handled by two people without assistance of heavy machinery.
The heavy machinery mechanic employed by United Space Alliance has logged 10 years fixing Kennedy's forklifts and cranes.
“If Obama’s stimulus gets moving with the infrastructure,” he contends, demand will rise for Caterpillar’s heavy machinery.
If you feel tired to the point of losing visual focus, you should definitely not be operating heavy machinery - no matter what.
You can sure your kids will enjoy getting dirty doing crazy stuff involving digging with excavators or operating heavy machinery.
By April 8th the increased deployment of heavy machinery hinted that, in most places, rescuers had given up hope of finding survivors.
As part of the search that has extended into a second month, many coastal towns are using heavy machinery to jar free mounds of rubble.
Last year, five miners received jail terms of between one to three years for damaging a portion of the Ming Dynasty wall while using heavy machinery.
A recurring shot of heavy machinery being trucked through the city, set to romantic movie music, makes clear that it only becomes real as the stuff of drama.
I'll contact the foreman to tell the stevedores to stow the heavy machinery cases closely and note the even distribution of the weight on the bottom cases.
I'll contact the foreman to tell the stevedores to stow the heavy machinery cases closely and note the even distribution of the weight on the bottom cases.