At the same time, more roads will be built and the underground will be added, reducing heavy traffic.
You have some people who are working all the heavy traffic all the time and other people working hardly any traffic, and that doesn't make for good controllers, in terms of keeping up the proficiency.
There might be a delay in getting the reply after you sent your e-mail due to heavy network traffic or outages at some point of time.
We'll go there on time if the traffic isn't too heavy. Can I help you with your luggage?
Traditional quiet load methods of bridge test need the heavy working range, long time to load, and usually breaking down the traffic.
The traffic accidents, made by the heavy-duty lorry and due to breaking failure, happen from time to time on the downhill path of mountainous expressway.
However, heavy rain has not stopped, difficult to repair, not for the time being the resumption of traffic.
During peak travel seasons, despite heavy passenger traffic, the waiting time will still be shorter than that at Lok Ma Chau.
Having been delayed by heavy traffic, she found it important for her to arrive on time.
At the same time, a single intersection traffic flow model is proposed to reflect the light traffic and heavy traffic and describe the queue length.
I was being tested for a driving license for the third time. I had been asked to drive in the heavy traffic and had gone so successfully.
I was being tested for a driving license for the third time. I had been asked to drive in the heavy traffic and had gone so successfully.