King Henry I ate a lamprey, a parasitic fish that is known to bring harm to humans.
He is a teenager, with the rebellions and feistiness characteristic of that age, but I like to think that, on balance, Henry would do it again if he had to.
This time away offered me some perspectives on how – to paraphrase Henry David Thoreau – I had become a tool of my tools.
I mention the names of Tolstoy Henry James and perhaps the greatest of all Jane Austen if you want to know a novelist who employs this great skill of judgment discrimination and practical reason.
And half a year after that, in the summer when the boy was five, I met Henry myself for the first time.
Speaking for myself and I think other secretaries with whom I've spoken, including Henry, it is such a key relationship that you really have to invest time and effort in it.
I remember seeing Lauren and Thierry Henry rush to the stands and embrace a couple of supporters.
In my reading I kept coming back to William James brother of Henry journeying across the European continent in 1867 his despair at feeling a failure the pull of ending it all.
One of the reasons I like working for Reader's Digest is that each year I get to meet a handful of teenagers like Shonnetta Henry.
"Naturally, I feel embarrassed at the way that we won and feel extremely sorry for the Irish who definitely deserve to be in South Africa," Henry said in a statement.
Henry David Thoreau wrote, "The mass of men lead lives of quiet, desperation." I never want to be a part of that group. How about you?
I was somewhat surprised when his family asked me to speak, along with Bob Dole, Henry Kissinger, and California governor Pete Wilson, who as a young man had worked for Nixon.
The only Henry at Ault was Henry Thorpe, who I knew was currently going out with a prissy-seeming sophomore named Molly.
Asked about the incident after the match, Henry said: "I will be honest, it was a handball.
"I can't tell you how cathartic, how refreshing that was," says Ryan Henry, a top aide to both secretaries.
Instead I say to myself: damn you, Henry Kissinger, for calling my country a basket case.
I was floored by a fairly shabby-looking old wooden casket, displayed without ostentation; according to the label, it contained the remains of Henry V.
I choose my words carefully. “Henry told meonce that his doctor thinks he’s a new kind of human.
On a bitterly cold afternoon in early January 2003, I found my husband Henry on his back, spreadeagled on the kitchen floor.
When I pressed him further, he told me Henry had been involved with a woman in California - where he'd travelled several times in the past year on research trips for his latest book.
When I worked for Senator Fulbright, he worked for Senator Henry Scoop Jackson of Washington State, who, like LBJ, was a domestic liberal and a Vietnam hawk.
But if I did have some instincts about befriending Henry, they came from an unquestionably good source: memories of my first meetings with a kind Englishman named Philip.
Henry, Arsenal's all-time record scorer with 226 goals in 380 games before he left for Barcelona in the summer of 2007, said: "Whenever there is a draw for the Champions League I am in pain."
I secretly hoped for a literary descendant of Henry James — someone more talented than I, someone brilliant without even trying.
“I’d be delighted to, ” Henry says, standing up, “but I’m afraid rightnow I have a train to catch.”
And I wonder if you could say a little bit more about that in light of the kind of shift from the kind of Henry Ford, the kind of models to, in the sense, the kind of future that you're charting out.
Perhaps it should have paid more attention to Sellar and Yeatman's imperishable 1066 and All That, with its spoof exam questions: 'Arrange in this order: (a) Henry I; (b) Henry II; (c) Henry III.
In what would now be called a moment of male bonding the renegade bank clerk, Henry Holland (played by Alec Guinness), tenderly asks his co-conspirator, "May I call you Alfred?"
"The simplest way to put an end to all of this is a DNA test, but it has been refused," said Roy-Henry. "so I have deduced that there is something to hide."
If any man ever loved a woman for ever, I think Henry will do as much for you.