The emergence of the theory of financial market micro-setup and behavior-finance has aroused extensive focus on the herd effect in securities market.
The study also provided evidence of the so-called "herd immunity effect" in which unvaccinated older people benefit from the vaccination of children and infants.
All kinds of abnormalities are concerned on stock market in the foreign financial documents these years, such as January effect, disposition effect, momentum effect, herd behavior.
Dual dispersing blades run simultaneously, which can mitigate herd behavior of materials following the move of dispersing blades and therefore enhance the dispersing effect and output quality.
The model used was the sire model containing herd-year-season(HYS) effect(fixed), sire group effect(fixed)and sire effect(random), which is widely used in dairy cattle breeding.
The paper also analyzed the condition of the regional bubble infection and how bubble infected by the effect of unreasonablities and herd behavior.
The results indicated that birth or trait expression years, age or age of dam and herd had significant effect on almost all traits.
The results indicated that birth or trait expression years, age or age of dam and herd had significant effect on almost all traits.