Look for expenses that can be cut back, and don't give up in the face of high fixed expenses.
In this month's Atlantic cover article, The Case Against High-School Sports, Amanda Ripley argues that school-sponsored sports programs should be seriously cut.
The idea that we must cut the budget deficit at a time of high unemployment is such a misconception.
America has just enough firepower for another tax cut, wand high inflation makes it awkward for the Bank of England to reduce interest rates.
Unless the economy starts to recover powerfully enough to cut America's high unemployment levels, this modest set of policies will seem footling.
Last month, the Institute of Medicine urged the U.S. food and Drug Administration to regulate the amount of salt added to foods to help Americans cut their high sodium intake.
To stop it at 450 ppm, Sterman says, a level many scientists consider dangerously high, the world would have to cut emissions by around 80 percent by 2050.
Far better to have a carbon price high enough to pinch, and then let companies and consumers decide where to cut emissions.
Electricity prices are high because the monopolies have little incentive to cut costs.
If market returns fall, as the firm predicts, it will face pressure to cut its fees, which can be high relative to peers-sometimes strikingly so, given its economies of scale.
After all, who will believe that commitments to cut spending can survive a lengthy stagnation with prolonged high unemployment and social dissatisfaction?
So don't cut calories by force of will; let high-fiber foods do the work for you.
And one of them smote the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear.
It's not a sign of low confidence but of high self-belief to cut one or two corners.
Faced with demands from Iran and Venezuela to cut output, but mindful that high prices have encouraged a more frugal use of oil in rich countries, OPEC opted for a fudge.
Just focusing on new homes and demanding that housebuilders meet extremely high targets is not the right way to cut emissions. Instead, we should take a lesson from Germany.
Had Jordan possessed some mammoth natural gift specifically for basketball, it seems unlikely he'd have been cut from his high school team.
Explaining why he shaved his mustache after the Mets' 2007 season-ending collapse: I tried to cut my throat, but I aimed too high.
Several regions of the US are planning high-speed electric rail services to cut pressure on congested road and air transport systems.
Natural-gas producers with big debt loads and high interest payments haven't yet cut production.
It's impossible to assess exactly how much devastation one single diamond could have caused before it was cut, polished, set and sold at a high-end retailer.
It's one of our regulars, one of my favorites, a clean-cut man with a high-paying professional job downtown.
And one of them that stood by drew a sword, and smote a servant of the high priest, and cut off his ear.
With short hair, you could do many hairstyles like spikes, high and tight, clipper cut and face as well.
At first this meant that clocks were set on shelves high on the wall with a hole cut in the shelf for the pendulum to hang through.
I've refused to cut my hair and I wear make-up and high heels.
I've refused to cut my hair and I wear make-up and high heels.