Near-record-high unemployment at the same time as near record-high profit margins.
E-books currently have high profit margins, and are free from many of the drawbacks of print.
Decide which products and services offer both a high percentage of sales and high profit margins.
Investment Banks constantly invent new products, which are usually accompanied by high profit margins since buyers are not sure how to value them.
When the price of oil is low, exploration and production is expensive, but companies can rely on retail assets such as gas stations to benefit from the high profit margins at the pump.
It has also been noted that investors put more faith behind companies that maintain a high standard of governance, the effects of which are directly reflected through better profit margins.
Half are in Japan where labor costs can be high and a strong yen can cripple profit margins when funds from products sold overseas are repatriated into yen.
That means it will not only display the high levels of craftsmanship that Chinese customers demand, it will also benefit from the richer profit margins that come from higher production volume.
That will make PC profit margins razor thin while driving up the demand for high-powered servers (with much better profit margins).
The hope is that the new product will grow fast enough and carry high enough profit margins to more than make up for the demise of all revenue from the old line.
High energy costs hurt consumer spending and narrowed corporate profit margins.
Analysts reckon that LVMH’s profit margins for its luxury brands are a healthy 40% or so—twice as high as some of its rivals.
Since the release of the eight countries, the product structure of tea is also gradually adjusted, high-end tea market pre cooling, the overall industry profit margins have fallen since 2013.
Profit margins are close to a 50-year high, relative to GDP, and thus seem likely to shrink.
Analysts reckon that LVMH's profit margins for its luxury brands are a healthy 40% or so-twice as high as some of its rivals.
Because of the low barriers to entry, the high degree of homogeneity of the industry and low profit margins, Feed processing enterprises would have to choose the low-cost competitive strategy.
Because of the low barriers to entry, the high degree of homogeneity of the industry and low profit margins, Feed processing enterprises would have to choose the low-cost competitive strategy.