This morning, when I came down, about half an hour before noon, Mr Earnshaw was sitting by the fire, deadly sick; his evil genius, almost as gaunt and ghastly, leant against the chimney.
今天早上,我下楼时,大概还有半个钟点就到中午了。 恩萧先生坐在炉火旁,病得很重;那个恶魔的化身,差不多一样地憔悴、惨白,身子倚着烟囱。
René Descartes in his book, Meditations (1642), discussed the idea that he might be deceived by a malign genius, "some evil demon, who has used all his artifice to deceive me".
勒奈·笛卡儿在他的著作《沉思集》(1642)中讨论了这样的想法:他可能被一个邪恶的天才所欺骗。 “某个恶毒的魔鬼,已用尽他的所有诡计来蒙骗我。”
They have been turned into swans by the evil Genius, they obey his will and only faithful and eternal love for the most beautiful of them - Odetta - will remove the fateful magic.
They have been turned into swans by the evil Genius, they obey his will and only faithful and eternal love for the most beautiful of them - Odetta - will remove the fateful magic.