In 2001 voters overwhelmingly backed Mr Berlusconi (rejecting this paper's view that his chequered business history made him unfit to lead Italy).
Nobody wished to let others know he saw nothing, for then he would have been unfit for his office or too stupid.
No one wanted it to be noticed that he could see nothing, for then it would be said that he was unfit for his position or that he was stupid.
Clothes of made it would be invisible to any one who was either stupid or unfit for his office.
'I found the mead so extremely alcoholic, ' continued his mother, 'that it was quite unfit for use as a beverage, but as valuable as rum or brandy in an emergency;
His constant vacillation made him an unfit administrator.
His constant vacillation make him an unfit administrator.
However, traditional style of reading is completely unfit for his deceptively traditional poems, since beneath the traditional forms, there are so many unpredictable references and language fragments.
The most interesting thing about the cloth was that clothes of made it would be invisible to any one who was either stupid or unfit for his office.
The player then announces to his opponent, marker or fellow-competitor that the ball was unfit for play and that he is substituting another ball.
A player damaged his ball at a certain hole, declared it unfit for play and substituted another ball.
A player believes that his ball may have become unfit for play as a result of his previous stroke, but he is un-able to determine whether the ball is unfit due to a large piece of mud adhering to it.
For years, there was a pervasive assumption that a founder was somehow unfit to lead his or her organization by the sheer fact that he or she was the founder.
For years, there was a pervasive assumption that a founder was somehow unfit to lead his or her organization by the sheer fact that he or she was the founder.