Young Catholics and Hispanic Americans are discussed in detail as the two groups that may greatly shape the American Church in the coming years.
Like type 2 diabetes, it occurs more often in African Americans, American Indians, Hispanic Americans, and among women with a family history of diabetes.
But we will say, as a general rule, we believe this person could be a white individual or a black or African-American individual, or perhaps Hispanic, Native American.
It is the largest city in America with a Hispanic majority. Some 60% of its residents are Latino, mostly Mexican-American, and more than 40% speak Spanish at home.
This time we want to talk about the crumbling schools that are stealing the future of black children and white children and Asian children and Hispanic children and Native American children.
What's more, although rates of obesity peaked for Hispanic girls in 2005, they have kept on rising for American Indian and black girls.
Overweight and obese Hispanic and African American women are significantly more likely than Caucasian women to believe themselves to be thinner than they are.
Compared with blacks, proportionally more men in other groups marry outside their race: for example, 38% of Asian American men and Hispanic men married white women in 2008.
They also had a racial/ethnic background typical of the multiethnic Los Angeles area, with a mix of Caucasian, Hispanic, Asian, African-American, and mixed-race individuals.
All of the studies followed a sample of 703 African-American, Hispanic and white women between the ages of 16 -33 years-old from 2001 through 2004 who chose their own contraception method.
所有的研究都取样于自2001年到2004年间自主选择避孕法的703位处于16 - 33岁年龄段非裔美国女性,西班牙女性,白种女性。
Each February, 80 to 90 black, Hispanic and Native American kids visit Rice on an expenses-paid trip.
The least selective four-year colleges and community colleges are increasingly home to disproportionate concentrations of low-income students as well as African-American and Hispanic youth.
In 2000, the last time this count was performed, 12.5% of the population was Hispanic, and 12.9% African-American.
Forty-six percent of the children were Hispanic, 33% were white, almost 13% were Asian, 8% were black and less than 1% were American Indian, according to the study.
The average American woman has 2.1 children in her lifetime, the most since the early 1970s, with women of Hispanic origin having the highest rate - almost three children per woman.
Susana Patino, a Hispanic-American born in Texas, works at a local tool-and-dye business. Her husband, born in Mexico, has been promoted at Hormel.
Susana Patino, a Hispanic-American born in Texas, works at a local tool-and-dye business.
Reading Latin American or Spanish newspapers and magazines will open a window into the Hispanic mind.
Hispanic, African, Native American, South or East Asian, and Pacific Island ancestry.
The prevalence of gestational diabetes is higher in black, Hispanic, Native American, and Asian women than white women.
Of the 179 patients, 77% were Caucasian, 19% were African American, and 12% were Hispanic.
S-born whites and blacks. "By the third generation one third of hispanic women are married to non-hispanics and41percent of asian-american women are married to non-asians."
Hispanic-American Studies is emerging as one of the most significant ethnic disciplines in American academic world, because of the growing size of the Hispanic population in this country.
The United States Census Bureau says two percent are American Indian and about half are Hispanic or Latino.
In the study, 48% of the children were males, 74% were white, 36% Hispanic, 36% African-American, 11% obese, and 27% had high waist circumferences.
In the study, 48% of the children were males, 74% were white, 36% Hispanic, 36% African-American, 11% obese, and 27% had high waist circumferences.