During the time of Austria-Hungary, between 1867 to 1918, the Slovaks experienced one of the worst oppressions in their history in the form of Hungarisation (Magyarisation).
奥匈帝国(Austria - Hungary)时代,在1867 - 1918年期间,斯洛伐克人在匈牙利的压迫下经历了其历史上最黑暗的阶段。
Gilbert Wondracek at the Vienna University of Technology in Austria and his colleagues built a history-stealing website aimed at groups on Xing, a business-orientated social network.
奥地利维也纳科技大学的Gilbert Wondracek和他的同事建立了一个针对商业社交网站Xing的窃取网站。
Situated in the very heart of Europe, Austria is a fascinating country with a truly impressive wine history. But its wine industry was once on the brink.
ABSTRACT: As a country bordered by Italy, France, Germany and Austria, Switzerland has a long history of producing wine like its neighors.
摘要: 北抵德国、南达意大利、西至法国、东临奥地利,和它的邻居们一样,瑞士也是一个古老的葡萄酒生产国。
ABSTRACT: As a country bordered by Italy, France, Germany and Austria, Switzerland has a long history of producing wine like its neighors.
摘要: 北抵德国、南达意大利、西至法国、东临奥地利,和它的邻居们一样,瑞士也是一个古老的葡萄酒生产国。