Others hit targets in Yokohama and Nagoya.
A hypersonic plane could potentially enable the US military to hit targets anywhere in the world in under an hour.
Candidates must be able to talk the interviewer through their examples, explaining the process used to work through problems or hit targets.
While there is one available at the end of the location bar, it's much smaller than it used to be and too close to other easy-to-hit targets.
They also claimed that they were paid by the factory to give misleading answers during audits and that they were fined for failing to hit targets.
Before the minie ball, few soldiers could hit a target more than thirty meters away. With the new bullet, they could hit targets more than one hundred fifty meters away.
Why? In the foreseeable future, there is no likelihood of our needing to hit targets in USA. The 5000 Km plus range will comfortably make our potential adversaries uncomfortable.
With the constraint conditions that weapons must hit targets, the relation expressions between conception model and control model vs. pointing error and design error have been established.
Argentina failed to hit the economic targets set as a condition for loan payments.
A true leader is someone who develops his or her team so that they can and do hit their targets and achieve their goals.
All the training is then geared towards making the athlete hit those targets, both overall and for each segment of the race.
The rebels appear to be making hit-and-run guerrilla style attacks on military targets.
Because of it's accuracy this system is most likely employed to hit specific military targets but could also be employed to deliver chemical or even nuclear warheads in desperate situations.
It is true that in terms of range, payload, speed and its ability to hit moving targets, the Tornado wins.
These new sensors will allow the 250-pound weapon to hit moving targets from standoff ranges in bad weather.
J.P. Morgan (JPM) and six other lenders agreed to amend the loan in August, lowering the monthly payment and adjusting the financial targets that Forbes Media would have to hit to be in compliance.
And they're the same as the unpopular ones that patrol the skies over North and South Waziristan and occasionally miss their intended targets and hit civilians.
"The attackers took great care to make sure that only their designated targets were hit," he said.
Does your 11-year-old feel under pressure to hit his or her Sats targets?
So let's consider a bad (but likely) scenario where either you don't hit your targets, the market sours or competition is kicking your butt making it hard to fund raise.
So let’s consider a bad (but likely) scenario where either you don’t hit your targets, the market sours or competition is kicking your butt making it hard to fund raise.
Official cigarette monitors roamed the province making sure that people hit their cigarette targets and fining those who dared to smoke other brands.
An MIRV payload on a missile carries several nuclear warheads, which can be programmed to hit different targets.
A growing number of executives, it seems, are discovering that the only way that they can hit their performance targets is to break the law.
A growing number of executives, it seems, are discovering that the only way that they can hit their performance targets is to break the law.