It was Tiner who agreed that Banks could make up their own minds about how much capital they needed to hoard to cover their risks.
Even cash-rich banks will hoard their money if they fear that the interbank market will seize up and cut them off from sources of future supply.
The exhibition catalogue is the first time this hoard has been written up in detail in English.
The number of sword pommels in the Staffordshire Hoard, 92, roughly corresponds with the number of men noted as making up one nobleman's troop of retainers.
He teamed up with Walter Scheidel, a Stanford classicist and historian, to create a model of population growth and decline based on coin-hoard data gathered over the years.
他与WalterScheidel合作,Walter Scheidel是斯坦福的一个古典学者与历史学家。他们发明了一个人口增长模型,这个模型基于钱币藏匿的数据,这一工作已进行多年。
That's leading commercial Banks to cut back on lending and hoard cash in order to shore up their balance sheets and improve their financial picture going into the next fiscal year.
That's leading commercial Banks to cut back on lending and hoard cash in order to shore up their balance sheets and improve their financial picture going into the next fiscal year.