The main purpose of this "clawback" rule is to hold bankers accountable for harmful risk-taking and to restore public trust in financial institutions.
But we can do trust the love that hold in your hand, cherished, cared and continuously built.
But the Supporters Trust hold a majority 60.16 per cent shareholding - most of which was donated to them by the late Haydn Green - so the decision on whether the deal proceeds is in their hands.
The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.
The old Man, long ago, gave everybody their CARDS and told them that whoever they had enough faith and trust in to work for, that person would own and hold their card.
So rather than pretend or hold back what you're feeling, express yourself and trust in the power of authenticity.
"In the future, we hope the two sides can hold talks on mutual trust and create a win-win situation," he said.
What they need: To keep hold of Scott Parker must be a priority, although whether the club's board will trust Avram Grant with the funds to add to his squad must be in question.
You put your TRUST in that chair hat means you fully believed that my chair would hold you up.
Is there someone you know who does not have an account at this bank, that you could hold money in trust for?
These changes, and others, would dramatically alter the powers of member states. Politicians hold these powers in trust for the people.
These changes, and others, would dramatically alter the powers of member states. Politicians hold these powers in trust for the people.