Wisdom opens the eyes both to the glories of heaven and to the hollowness of earth.
Your skin, your bones, your blood, all are part of the bamboo, and inside there is space, hollowness.
Warm tears fell down my cheeks, the only warmth to be found in the unending hollowness that was around me.
Erupt clear three Chinese Patents chemical engineering bottle and every kind of hollowness system benefit products.
The results show that hollow microspheres have a uniform distribution of particle size and high degree of hollowness.
Cool night breeze kisses our skins. Our hearts melt and be fold by the poetical hollowness and silence of the summer night.
The analytic results show that, if the hollowness is controlled properly, the hollow roller will be preferable to corresponding solid roller.
To-night, for the first time in my life, i saw through the hollowness, the sham, the silliness of the empty pageant in which i had always played .
The influences of formation condition and draw ratio in melt spinning on the hollowness of Circular cross section hollow polyester fiber are studied.
Hollowness of the hollow polyester UDY increased after cool drawing, decreased after heat drawing, and was down a little while increasing drawing ratio.
And it was at this moment, as I stood there with the rifle in my hands, that I first grasped the hollowness, the futility of the white man's dominion in the East.
Great deals of the wide screens exaggerate the feeling of hollowness to express the character's homeless feeling in the aspect of scenery modern city and the park.
This article analyses the statement and cause of Three Gorges District "industry hollowness", replying on which, it proposes the countermeasure to solute this problem.
The hollowness of the fibre of polypropylene tow for cigarette filter in different spinning velocity was measured, and the affecting factor were analyzed and discussed.
But if you don't look into it then you are simply suspicious of a certain hollowness, of a certain emptiness inside. And remaining suspicious, you go on occupying yourself.
A series of physiological and chemical changes taking place in the process of hollowness and storage of radish can lead to deterioration on edible, processing quality and so on.
It is a new form of hollow floor slab cast in place with thin plastic box being used as inner formwork and has the advantages of easy construction, high hollowness and good economical benefit.
Whether that is so (Christie's stands by their authenticity), the larger questions Mr. McLaren raises have bearing on the hollowness of much contemporary aesthetic production, fashion not excluded.
Whether that is so (Christie's stands by their authenticity), the larger questions Mr. McLaren raises have bearing on the hollowness of much contemporary aesthetic production, fashion not excluded.