Meng night, leaving only corner to hook on to the ancient city of hook Rumeng Xiang.
The hook in the ceiling had given way and the lamp had fallen blazing on to the table.
To what extent Hook is to blame for his tactics on this occasion is for the historian to decide.
Hook rose to the rock to breathe, and at the same moment Peter scaled it on the opposite side.
And now I want to add on, so I'm gonna hook the next vector on to the front of the arrow, we'll start next vector, and I will go this way, so let's see, can I do it right?
Create Spaces for children to display family photographs and drawings on bulletin boards or by each child's cubby or coat hook.
He proceeded to hang his coat and hat on the hook that he had drawn in chalk (really on the nail, of course).
To hook on the browser's events or to automate it, the helper object needs to establish a privileged and COM-based channel of communication.
After that first trade, I got to speculating on my own hook in the bucket shops.I'd go during my lunch hour and buy or sell it never made any difference to me.
It is easy to set up: simply hook up infra-red laser transceivers on top of two buildings and then align them.
But the software requires viewers to watch on a computer, or hook the computer to a TV.
But when markets turn, those institutions are caught on a hook: they are forced to cut their borrowings but find it difficult to sell assets.
For taxpayers relief at being repaid should be tempered by the fact that they are still on the hook for these too-big-to-fail firms.
With the hook on his hand McPhee pushed Peggy away, so she took instead to biting his earring.
After that first trade, I got to speculating on my own hook in the bucket shops. I'd go during my lunch hour and buy or sell it never made any difference to me.
Although a great recruiter "can get an A-player on the hook," you're the one who will need to reel that candidate in.
The cockfish grow a new set of teeth as well as a mighty kype, a hook-like extension on the lower jaw, which they use to fight off other males.
But any Banks that let quality control slip last year may still be on the hook - and not just due to regulatory action.
Nobody wants to put taxpayers on the hook for the financial industry's follies; we can all hope that, in the end, a bailout won't be necessary.
Finding love is hard enough; the last thing you want to do is hook up with someone who may cheat on you someday.
Even where borrowers are on the hook, lenders often find it too costly to pursue unpaid debts.
And there was the Man - i.e., a moderately cute guy who wrote a book - who gave insider tips on how to hook up with him, which involved not being critical and having long hair.
IT gets messy and I don't want to hook up a PC to a client's network where they could potentially scan or see things on my computer for whatever IT reason they claim.
In this case, AIG managed to take a business specifically designed to be low risk, low return and amp it into another dicey venture - with taxpayers on the hook.
These things tend to make money, but the main goal is to hook readers on a bundle of services.
She stepped out of the darkness, coming forward to hook her ankle around the empty stool that stood beside his one chair and sit on it.
In addition to the ability to send various message formats on disparate channels, the vendor offers a hook to allow for recipient address validation via a provided interface.
In addition to the ability to send various message formats on disparate channels, the vendor offers a hook to allow for recipient address validation via a provided interface.