In most World Cups, the home team, or the team from the host country usually plays better than most people expect.
It has usually taken several decades for each group to be accepted into the mainstream of society in the host country.
The host country provides vast facilities, including a stadium, swimming pools and living accommodation, but competing countries pay their own athletes' expenses.
Two USA carriers and the host country has 200 old- WWII vessels!
The last 24 hours before the announcement of the 2006 World Cup host country were tense.
World soccer's governing body has chosen Russia as the host country for the 2018 World Cup.
As the host country of the 2014 soccer World cup, Brazil is busy preparing for the big event.
The host country does not have to take part in everything, but British athletes are undaunted.
You also receive a handbook. It's an authoritative manual for survival in your host country.
And to underscore my point, we need to look no farther than what is happening in our host country.
Before you go, learn some of the language, and read about some common customs in your host country.
And unlike many other expats, Americans must file a U.S. tax return, even if they pay taxes in their host country.
At 14:00 local time, Prime Minister Naoto Kan of Japan, the host country, announced the opening of the meeting.
More than 17% of American winners cried, while a whopping 37.5% of athletes from host country Great Britain cried.
Wu Yunxin from Tsinghua also agrees that foreign students require guidance in observing the rules of their host country.
If China applies for the Olympic Games successfully, as a host country, which gymnasiums will you prepare for the Olympic Games?
But as time passes, as we get to know our new host country better, these negative first impressions don't seem to matter anymore.
In addition to looking at the host country, they also look at the top-level domains (.com, .de, and others) to determine the country.
除了查看服务器所在的国家之外,它们还会查看顶级域名(.com、.de 等等)来判断国家。
Your dress should show respect to your host and the culture of the host country and should reflect your status as a decent business person.
"This will be the first time a torchbearer from the Games' host country will take the flame from a Greek athlete and run the second leg," Aidonis said.
The Vancouver Olympics concluded on Sunday and it could not have been a much better finish for host country Canada, which won the final gold medal.
But a great meal transcends all cultural boundaries, and sharing the food of your host country is the best way to connect with its people and culture.
But a great meal transcends all cultural boundaries, and sharing the food of your host country is the best way to connect with its people and culture.