Host range including herbaceous and ligneous plants.
SB and PB have a broad host range, from single-celled organisms to higher mammals.
Host range and cross infection of cytoplasmic polyhedrosis viruses from Dendrolimus SPP.
Treating the sewage water with phage under broad host range, the germicidal test showed that the cleaning rate of E.
Hemagglutinin specificity binding with glycan chains receptor on cell surface determines the host range of influenza viruses.
To do this, countries must be able to readily obtain pertinent data on pest biology, distribution, host range and potential for impact.
With the expansion of host range, surface of fish becomes dull, mucus secretion increase more, and the fish become weaker due to loss of appetite.
These parasporal bodies have been found to vary in their geometry, and it appears that the shape is related to host range and toxin effectiveness.
H5N1 appears to have expanded its host range, infecting and killing mammalian species previously considered resistant to infection with avian influenza viruses.
Avian influenza virus can cause serious disease in a wide variety of birds and mammals, but generally its natural host range is limited to wild ducks and gulls.
Spore suspension separating method is the suitable separating method of the pathogen. It is basically ascertained that the host range of these pathogens is narrow.
The phylogenetic studies on nod genes have promulgated that the host range of rhizobia appeared to have a higher interrelationship to the common nod genes than other genes.
Methods the phage was identified by detection of the host range, calculation of phage plaque, negative staining for TEM, serological neutralization test and one step growth experiment.
The host range, distribution, biology and bionomics of E. fornicatus (Eichhoff) have been discussed in this manuscript along with the new record on P. bombycina Kost for the first time.
Additionally, host names should be registered in your corporate DNS for each IP address in the selected range.
We've got a range of collar and cuff options available and a host of fabrics.
Today sees the UK launch of a range of hi-tech watches that can pay for a double-shot espresso, a newspaper or a host of other small purchases with a flick of the wrist.
IBM WebSphere application Server has been designed to host an ever-growing range of applications, each with their own unique set of features, requirements, and services.
As a result, a broad range of cities from Duisburg, Germany, to Akita, Japan, is eligible to host the event.
Traffic can be classified by IP address range, host address, protocol, port or any combination of these parameters.
The ground floor will host a range of commercial Spaces, and a public platform at the southwest point of the building will allow visitors views across the nearby park.
Based upon the research of basin fills at the Bayantala basin, the genetic facies of host sediments have been ascertained and the target beds and their range are delineated.
The reason is that the detection range of the probe is too small or there is dust inside the door, the door is too heavy, beyond the host motor traction.
The existing host-based prevention technology can do nothing to prevent these infected nodes, and the quarantine mechanism can only limit the propagation range and can't eliminate all of the worms.
The topics we expect to cover include the dynamics of infections of the whole range of host species: humans, wildlife, livestock and plants.
The Match Director is appointed by the host organization and appoints and works with the Range Master.
The Match Director is appointed by the host organization and appoints and works with the Range Master.