Extracts the hot cake to have to spread out promptly, in order to avoid has the spontaneous combustion phenomenon.
Islandss in China come with many restrictions on their use and a lease of just 50 years while most overseas islands are sold freehold, part of the reason why foreign islands are a hot cake.
There was ice cream, actually two dishes of it, pink and white, and cake and fruit and distracting French bonbons and, in the middle of the table, four great bouquets of hot house flowers.
He looked around, and there by his head was a cake of bread baked over hot coals, and a jar of water. He ate and drank and then lay down again.
Budapest does it best – once you’ve braved the bracing banks of the Danube and had your fill of coffee and cake in the city’s legendary cafes there are hot baths all over the city to warm up in.
布达佩斯可谓最中之最。 这里,你可以漫步多瑙河岸,在著名的咖啡店里享用咖啡和蛋糕,之后还可以去温泉里暖暖身子,温泉到处都有。
Winter Garden: Stop in the Winter Garden to sit in a cozy armchair and enjoy homemade cake and piping-hot coffee.
I want pizza, lemonade, and cake, hot dogs, apple pie, ice cream and a nice milk shake, and lots of gifts piled high!
The high-calorie, high-sugar treat consists of a succulent, scarlet cake that oozes hot fudge, soft-serve ice cream, and all of the usual sundae fixings.
She hadn't spent hours slaving over a hot stove! That was shop-bought cake if ever I saw one.
The hot sinter cake is fed into the crusher by the sinter belt via a feeding table.
The cake itself, the pink frosting on top of it, and the hot dogs were made in America.
It's ideal to end the meal with a little delicate dessert, e. g, the Swiss hot chocolate cake sandwich with rich fillings and authentic taste is worth trying. Location: No.
There was a red cloth on the table, and cups and plates. There was hot tea, and wonderful things to eat—hot meat pies and sandwiches and cake, oranges and apples.
A type of soft, thin, flat cake made from a mixture of flour, eggs, and milk which is quickly Fried on both sides in a little hot fat.
New evaluation methods for fragile shale are introduced, including improved hot rolling test, filter cake strength tester, and dynamic filtration test.
Dr. Hill puffed, however, when he saw all of the food present. There was turkey, hot dogs, spaghetti, vegetable dishes, prune and pumpkin pies, and cake and pudding.
但是当他看到所有食物时,希尔博士喘了一 口气:有火鸡、热狗、意大利面条、蔬菜、李子南瓜饼、蛋糕和布丁。
Who said there is no cake eating during the hot season? Come on! Enjoy the desert with sunshine!
Who said there is no cake eating during the hot season? Come on! Enjoy the desert with sunshine!