Publicly available records indicate that Yorco employs roughly the same number of such hourly wage workers as Zortech does but spends a far higher total sum per year on wages for such workers.
The average hourly wage of television assemblers in Vernland has long been significantly lower than that in neighboring Borodia.
Before the song, one group was asked to gauge their hourly wage.
Let's transform this hourly wage into something that has more meaning.
At a set hourly wage, the more hours you work the more money you will make.
Take the weekly amount you just calculated and divide it by your true hourly wage.
Huge farms often hire migrant workers to do the farm work at an hourly wage base.
That may be happening in America, where hourly wage growth is well below inflation;
The average hourly wage for clerical workers in Korea is$7.94, compared with$1.15 in China.
The job didn't pay particularly well, but it was a solid hourly wage, somewhere in the $13 range.
Ame Arlt, who took an hourly wage job in customer service after 20 years of working as an executive.
Median hourly wage varied substantially across employees with different levels of educational attainment.
Now, in the third column, divide each second column number by the true hourly wage that you calculated earlier.
For staff with production and service, it designs a structural wage system that integrates post wage with hourly wage.
When you work for someone else, there is only you and only so many hours in the day to work for an hourly wage or a salary.
To do this, we weight the hourly wage for each grade by its proportion of the total labor required to produce the product.
Wow, 60%. That seems like a lot. Do you pay your workers well? What's the average hourly wage for the laborers in your company?
Take out a blank sheet of paper, the "time budget" you prepared yesterday, and the approximate hourly wage you calculated earlier.
The group reported in March that employers expected to increase hourly wage offers for college interns by five percent from last year.
Yesterday, we calculated our true hourly wage, so you know how much you’re making for each hour you’re involved with work-related tasks.
Hourly wage of an employee is derived by dividing the amount of wages paid by the number of working hours of the employee in the survey period.
You're just spreading a slightly higher average hourly wage over a longer period, so it seems like you're taking a lower wage in exchange for more days off.
All local governments should make necessary adjustments to the minimum salary system and implement it strictly, and introduce a minimum hourly wage system.
Party B shall be paid overtime for work done beyond normal duty hours on working days, or on day of rest or any holiday, at the rate of150% of the normal hourly wage.
Party B shall be paid overtime for work done beyond normal duty hours on working days, or on day of rest or any holiday, at the rate of150% of the normal hourly wage.