Reporter: How much cost impact can you have by getting the product right for manufacturing from the very outset?
Before developing an automation solution, it is important to estimate how much cost can be saved with each test step being converted into an automated step.
If the product is not enough, the product quality is shoddy, no matter how much cost, communication cost, finally unavoidably become a "draw water with a bamboo basket."
In terms of cost—how much were you thinking of charging?
How much does it cost to join the photography club?
How much does the most popular show cost for an adult and a kid?
How much time and money would it cost to replace the contents of that little wallet?
How much does it cost to fly to the United States?
If you want to know whether your doctor orders more tests to make moremoney, ask her how much the tests cost, and how much she thinks she makes forordering the test.
Great-fitting clothes always look better than ill-fitting ones — regardless of how much they cost.
For each technology, we calculated how much it would cost a producer to generate power and transmit it across the grid.
Ideally, politicians who want to save the planet would be honest with voters about how much this will cost.
Gas and oil are commodities, and the prices are based on the cost to replace a seller's supply, not on how much the gas cost to produce.
Privately held iSuppli takes consumer electronics apart in order to estimate how much they cost to build.
The price reduction caught the attention of iSuppli, an analysts' firm known for taking apart gadgets to estimate how much they cost their manufacturers to put together.
You have forgotten, it seems to me, that what matters is who you are and what you do. Not how much you cost.
In his article we'll try to answer some questions - who makes tattoos, for what reasons and how much they cost.
Few of us would hire someone to repair their home without knowing how much it will cost and how long it will take at least with some degree of certainty.
We don't know how much it will cost, how long it will take, or what it will ultimately look like.
For each item, guess how long the item will take to deliver in days or weeks (or how much it will cost in dollars).
Clients care more about whether they get the best advice, and how much that advice will cost them.
When my digital phone is given a location in Japan, it can access a program to compute which trains to take and how much it will cost.
The FASB wants to force firms to publish detailedinformation about what they might get sued for and how much it might cost them.
Say how much you like the room, or the pictures, or your hostess's dress, but remember - it's not polite to ask how much things cost.
She knew exactly how much a miracle cost.. one dollar and eleven cents ...... plus the faith of a little child.
"It cost how much you pay, my friend," he said mysteriously as he unscrewed the LIDS off his bottles.
For energy planners, a crucial question is how much this technology would cost if refined and installed on a bigger scale.
For energy planners, a crucial question is how much this technology would cost if refined and installed on a bigger scale.