The paper analyses the heating efficiency and the combustor how to affect the output of galvanized sheet.
Aim: to examine the liver mechanism with which clenbuterol (cl) is explained how to affect growth metabolism.
This time around, I'll show you how to affect the lifeblood of any Web application: the URIs used for navigation.
An exemplary person may well have the great charisma to affect others but does not necessarily know how to affect others.
And then, this paper researches the opening extent of (academic) team how to affect the academic team creativity and subject cluster core competence.
In simulation, studied the noise and different surperfluous temperature how to affect the growth of dendritic and compared phase-field figure with concentration field figure.
The structure and runing principle of underwater strand-granulator type USG600H were in- truduced; The main operation conditions were analyzed how to affect the quality of the product.
The paper introduces the research results how to affect the all kinds property of foam fracturing fluid effect after low molecular organic alcohol was joined into the foam fracturing fluid.
According to the relationship between the natural frequency and damp, and the acquired relation about damp and number of knots, we can solve how to affect natural frequency by the number of knots.
Psychologists take opposing views of how external rewards, from warm praise to cold cash, affect motivation and creativity.
At the Exploratorium in San Francisco, we recently studied how learning to ask good questions can affect the quality of people's scientific inquiry.
It remains to be seen how weather conditions affect the air flows that make formation flight more efficient.
Modern dance seeks to show how deep emotions and the music itself, how these intangible attributes can affect and inspire physical movement, and how movement can convey emotions to the audience.
It is difficult to imagine how this could affect the cattle, but the relationship may help or hinder them in some way not yet recognized.
On the bright side, in all the research being done on causes, we have discovered something related to how starfish populations might affect coral reef diversity.
In order for a chemical to be considered a drug, it must have the capacity to affect how the body works.
In this article I will tell you about psychological curses, how they affect your life and how to prevent others from cursing you.
To improve and refine your processes, collect your metrics and tweak your processes to see how changes affect your results.
To understand how to achieve the benefits promised by iterative and incremental development, it is important to understand how it will affect all the people involved in the project.
He added, however, that in order to make even more progress in determining how Venus resurfaces, scientists need to learn exactly how weathering surface rates affect emissivity.
If it devoted more land in other cities to development, how would this affect apartment prices in those areas?
How linguistic variations affect where Germans choose to live?
Raluca Budiu, who is a post-doc working in our group, has conducted some very interesting research with us on how tagging appears to affect human information processing.
There are various advanced parameters to affect how the partition is formatted, but for general purposes, the defaults are fine.
There are various advanced parameters to affect how the partition is formatted, but for general purposes, the defaults are fine.