To improve and refine your processes, collect your metrics and tweak your processes to see how changes affect your results.
If the person used a bubble bath additive while initially filling the bathtub to assist in cleansing, how would this affect your model's results?
If the person used a bubble bath additive while initially filling the bathtub to assist in cleansing, how would this affect your model's results?
The paper introduces the research results how to affect the all kinds property of foam fracturing fluid effect after low molecular organic alcohol was joined into the foam fracturing fluid.
When policymakers fail to consider how their policies affect incentives, they can end up with results that they did not intend.
The results are supported by an emerging field of research that shows how prolonged periods of inactivity can affect the body?s processing of fats and other substances that contribute to heart risk.
A lot of experiments are taken to analyse how the fusion levels and the neighbor size affect the fusion results through subjective and objective evaluation and computation efficiency.
These results indicate possible implications for how a bunker charge might affect GHG emissions from bulk carriers. According to OECD, 1997.
Pulses propagate in HNLFs with different dispersion curve have been investigated in the experiment to analyze how can the parameters of optical pulse and fiber affect the results of quantization.
The results from this can be used to calculate how the chemical structure and impurities affect the device's performance.
The results show that these effects how to affect the overall design and general layout, it is comprehensively to understand the difference of various aspects of airship design.
The results show that these effects how to affect the overall design and general layout, it is comprehensively to understand the difference of various aspects of airship design.