When you take the Holmes-Rahe test you must remember that the score does not reflect how you deal with stress — it only shows how much you have to deal with.
Quite a lot of teenagers have no idea how to deal with stress.
Beyond personality traits, the single best predictor of an ability to deal well with stress is how socially connected you are.
It looks as if at the top of the European Union there is a complete division about how to deal with this crisis and at a time of stress you need unity.
The source and the nature of the stress changes and how you deal with it changes due to experience, but, but, it's always there.
Learning how to deal with stress positively takes times.
"If you constantly stress about work after you get home, take the time to make a firm plan of how to deal with problems before you leave the office," Marr wrote.
She was really nice, and I'm hoping I can get in contact with her again now that I've made it to this stage to try to figure out how to deal with the stress and the pressure and life after.
How to deal with emotional reactivity and stress tolerances are also important skills to develop early in life.
Questionnaire, as the measuring tool of the sources of primary school headmasters' stress, has practical significance to the exploration of how they deal with the stress and keep mental health.
University students are often under tremendous amounts of stress, but do not always understand how to deal with it or why it is necessary to deal with it.
University students are often under tremendous amounts of stress, but do not always understand how to deal with it or why it is necessary to deal with it.