I choose how to perceive where I am right now and what to do with what has been 17 bestowed on me.
When you're a kid, you're not just learning how to speak; you're learning how to perceive a reality.
In second language teaching practice, how to perceive the causes and influence of pragmatic failures is worthy of further research and evaluation.
Questionnaire are put in practice by road users in order to further find out people how to perceive the tinct, of the road and the tinct how to affect psychology and behavior of people.
Just as he’s explained to hundreds of parents and teachers across the state, Chadwell patiently walks the Manning crowd through how boys and girls perceive the world.
如同他之前向全美众多家长和老师详细解释那样, 卡罗尔耐心的向曼宁的人们解释男孩的女孩如何看待周遭的世界。
Finally, the liar may work hard to manage how others perceive them, for example by being friendly, dressing tidily and so on.
For believe me, we know how difficult The Times in the duality are for you. We know how sensitive you are, how vulnerable, how difficult it is for you to still perceive the density of the duality.
Less than a pretty face: Brain scans show how a disorder leads individuals to perceive themselves as ugly.
Founded five years ago by professional Mexican photographer Gina Badenoch, the foundation has been teaching the blind to express in photographs how they perceive the world.
Participants were then asked to use those same personality criteria to rate, in general, how they perceive blacks and whites.
Poo's team set out to investigate how neurons in the brain perceive time on these shorter scales.
You might also want to discuss how others might perceive them if they look different - help your teen understand how he or she might be viewed.
And we all have the innate ability to change how other people perceive us, without a physical transformation of any kind.
Happiness isn't about what happens to us; it's about how we perceive what happens to us.
If you follow the path of yoga, you must be willing to change anything and everything in your life: what you eat, wear, and read; how you perceive, think, and act.
Historically, the most powerful new mediums have changed the way we perceive the world — and how we relate to one another.
The subject begins to perceive how their work relates to larger goals.
Darwin's intellect, humility (" it is always advisable to perceive clearly our ignorance ") and prescience astonish more as scientists clarify, in detail he never imagined, how much he got right.
But the colors you use can have a heavy impact on how your visitors perceive your site. Make sure the colors you've selected reinforce your message and the image you want to portray.
Clothing, it seems, can make us colour blind, because whether we perceive someone as' white 'or' black 'depends not just on skin tone - but also how smartly they are dressed, according to researchers.
Soon enough, screens will follow our eyes to perceive where we gaze. A screen will know what we are paying attention to and for how long.
A clever trick is to number the chunks to allow users to perceive how much is left and also to perceive that they are moving forward. It provides clear direction of a way forward.
Aubrey: Hayes USES the blue food dye to determine just how intensely people can perceive tastes.
In your effort to look your best, you focus too much on yourself and how others will perceive you instead of your work and what's most important.
How does the group perceive threats to its identity and interests?
It goes back to the psychology of how the faithful, such as Ostrander's parents, perceive God and divine actions.
You know I'm still unneedle-centered, but I still know how to look into the eyes of people I'm talking to and perceive what's going on to some extent, in their minds.
What factors determine how we perceive information or what we perceive in relationship to what is available?
And the question for the theorist is to show how this two can be combined should be combined and how with sensitivity to both you can perceive things that you don't otherwise.
And the question for the theorist is to show how this two can be combined should be combined and how with sensitivity to both you can perceive things that you don't otherwise.