HP: How did you end up interning at HP Labs?
Susan Tu is unique among HP Labs' interns this summer.
And what's new at HP Labs since Leo has been on the job?
Still, HP Labs is hesitant to call this an absolute trend.
HP: Anything else that's struck you about interning at HP Labs?
HP: What would you say is the value of an internship at a place like HP Labs?
The key technology there came out of our key-value storage technology at HP Labs.
"It's a pretty interesting result," commented computer scientist Sitaram Asur of HP Labs.
这是一个十分有趣的结果。惠普实验室Sitaram Asur的计算机科学家如此评论道。
Romero conducted the work in the Social Computing Lab at HP Labs in Palo Alto, California.
Every year several hundred of HP's largest customers visit HP Labs to hear its vision of the future.
There are also hybrid methods, like that used by Adrian Geisow at HP Labs’ campus in Bristol, England.
HP Labs is focused on inventing new technologies that change markets and create business opportunities.
One thing is for certain: sensor technology will become as pervasive as HP Labs says it will, in due course.
Let's talk about some of the specific things you see coming out of HP Labs three and five and 10 years out.
According to HP Labs, CeNSE sensors will enable real-time data collection, analysis and better decision making.
We have eight teams at HP labs, and in their own way each is working on different aspects of things that Léo talked about.
A team from HP Labs has shown that methane produced from cows could be used to support data centres requiring vast amounts of energy.
The company's approach to cloud computing, for example, was shaped in part by an HP Labs collaboration with animation company DreamWorks.
To that end, a team led by Lyons spent the last year developing the HP Labs Home Energy Manager, a proof of concept for just such a service.
为了达到这一目标,Lyons领导的团队花费了一年时间,开发了惠普实验室家庭能源管理系统(HP Labs Home Energy Manager),用服务证明了上述概念。
Vinay Deolalikar, a research scientist at HP Labs in Palo Alto, CA, posted his "proof" online and sent it to several experts in the field on August 6.
加州PaloAlto 的惠普(HP)实验室的研究员VinayDeolalikar 于8 月6日在网上发表了他的“证明”,并发给数位该领域的专家。
RFID technology has had numerous cost and technology issues over the past decade, so HP Labs will surely run into similar real-world obstacles in this project.
In a pilot project, HP Labs has deployed sensing technology and a cloud-based application that provides unprecedented visibility and insight into a home's energy use.
Researchers at HP Labs recently managed to etch a pattern into a flat piece of silicon so that it could focus light "like a spoon", says Raymond Beausoleil of HP Labs.
HP today announced that researchers from HP Labs have proven the existence of what had previously been only theorized as the fourth fundamental circuit element in electrical engineering.
HP today announced that researchers from HP Labs have proven the existence of what had previously been only theorized as the fourth fundamental circuit element in electrical engineering.