"It's a work in progress and there's a huge amount of work going on, " Murdoch said.
It is a huge amount of work - "you're surprised that you've worked so hard" - and not even the main event.
The stacks of paper bore witness to a huge amount of work waiting to be done, even though I had been working seven days a week.
We get to take advantage of a huge amount of work that's already been done in Hadoop - many bits of HBase are reused from Hadoop.
By mid-2000, the directors needed to break down all the sets and visual effects work to help budget and plan for the huge amount of work to come.
No other type of tasks could compare with the project of human spaceflight engineering for after so many tests and experiments huge amount of work was still needed.
The twins were a huge amount of work in the beginning -- still are -- and when you're forced to make a decision on what to give up, you quickly see what you really love.
There is a huge amount of work to be done to give Australia the safety dividends of more timely and detailed information from the work place, unfiltered by managements.
By transforming XHTML content to DocBook in the first pass, and then re-using standard DocBook templates in subsequent passes, I saved a huge amount of work and debugging.
Astronomers used the way that light from distant stars was distorted by a huge galactic cluster known as Abell 1689 to work out the amount of dark energy in the cosmos.
天文学家应用来自遥远恒星的光线的路线被一个巨大银河星系团(Abell 1689)所扭曲,由此计算出宇宙中暗能量的总量。
Are you ready to consume an insane amount of resources, to have a huge impact on the environment, to work long hours to pay for all that?
It was pretty exciting at the time because while I could see the potential, there was a huge amount of design and implementation work to be done in order to make something useable and scalable.
There is a huge amount of this work to do and lawyers have far better higher-value legal analysis to worry about.
There is a huge amount of this work to do and lawyers have far better higher-value legal analysis to worry about.
Face the huge amount of information, need to have the guest room information management system to raise the efficiency of the guest room management work.
There are at least 500,000 Chinese laborers who work abroad, sending home a huge amount of money.
There are at least 500,000 Chinese laborers who work abroad, sending home a huge amount of money.