It should be noted that surely there are many other factors that influence human thermal comfort, notably air velocity.
As such, energy consumption cannot be reduced with increasing indoor temperature for a given human thermal comfort level.
The results indicate that well-designed atrium and ventilating method can effectively improve the indoor thermal environment and satisfy the demand of human thermal comfort.
Presents the four main factors affecting human thermal comfort for the system, including type of air supply inlet, distance between air supply inlet and occupancy, air supply velocity and temperature.
Thermal comfort exists if the human body in thermal equilibrium with its environment, implying a constant temperature of the body.
Puts forward a model to predict human thermal sensation under sweating according to the field studies of thermal comfort in Shanghai and Jiangsu.
The effect of indoor mean radiant temperature on human thermal sensation was analyzed, according to the theory of thermal comfort.
Based on the analysis of the human body heat loss, develops a mathematic model for predicting the mean thermal comfort vote in warm and humid environment.
The thermal property of textiles is an important parameter related to human body comfort, and extensive research work has been done in this area.
Presents some measures to improve indoor thermal environment and advance thermal comfort of human body.
The indoor thermal environment operated by the natural ventilation has beneficial effect on the thermal comfort of human beings.
Sultable temperature and humidity are proposed as applied indexes of thermal-wet comfort of textiles based on the human body clothing environment system in this paper.
Sultable temperature and humidity are proposed as applied indexes of thermal-wet comfort of textiles based on the human body clothing environment system in this paper.