Science and technology would cure all the ills of humanity, leading to lives of fulfilment and opportunity for all.
Since its concept covers vast fields, such as science, humanity, ideology, economy, society and nature, a is difficult to be defined, precisely and fixedly.
He merely drafted the scheme of a social order under which, in the name of progress, science, and humanity, any deviation from his own ideas was to be prohibited.
If we want to advance combination of humanity education and science education, we should strengthen humanity education and implement quality education.
Modern medical science can be divided into preclinical medicine, technical medicine, applied medicine and medical humanity.
I've always felt that the greatest and most beautifulstories in the history of humanity were not sung by wandering bards or writtenby playwrights and novelists, but told by science.
These limitations are closely related to the weakness in the education of ideal and faith, their extreme utilitarian pursuit, and the separation of natural science from social and humanity science.
But beyond learning Einstein's theories, his overall attitude towards science as a tool to liberate humanity is something from which everyone can and should learn.
To a certain extent, we can consider this culture is culture which fuses the science culture and humanity culture.
There exists a controversy between the orientation of natural science and that of humanity science, which is inevitably represented in psychotherapy, the major field of psychology.
I believe that science and technology have the potential to do wonderful things for humanity, and I'm confident that someday we will cure all illnesses, mental and physical.
The end, refer out the specific ways and methods to realize the modem integration of science and humanity first in higher normal education platform.
Next, by interactive theories sociology, I want to aid learners that syncretizing humanity with science and making a gregariously self-assured philosophy.
His dialectic discussions on the relations between individual and group and between science and humanity are echoed by the recently promulgated National Curriculum Standards for Chinese.
Along with the science and technology swift and violent development, the humanity knew and transformation natural ability further strengthen.
The humanity education of science and engineering college has brought not only historical chance but also impact and challenge with the coming of new century.
Science rationality and humanity thought is derived from human intelligence rationality that reflects human intelligence and capability of comprehension and think.
Medical humanity is an intersecting subject group in which medical science and humanity science penetrate and combine with each other.
In view of medical humanism, medical science pays close attention to life, humanity, spirit, psychology, environment, and it advocates the understanding and concerns about man.
The Western view of time and space is always space for clues to the main line of science and truth, the pursuit of the liberation of humanity.
Analyzing the motivation, goals, attitude, methodology and the application of scientific researches, the author reached the conclusion that the science must be guided by the humanity.
Then, analyze the historic chances to realize the modern integration of science and humanity first in higher normal education platform;
Only in constant pursuit of perfection can one perfect himself and his research in humanity, science, arts or any other fields to the full capacity.
As "the third data base" of the humanity and social science, folk culture includes three parts, that is, material culture, spiritual cultural, and systematic culture.
So, Feyerabend's philosophy reflected the tendency of integration of science and humanity.
I am one of those people who believes the family of humanity can use God's gift of science to take the measure of any global challenge and find solutions that are consonant with universal values.
Science fiction oftendescribes a day when humanity will form a harmonious whole, and I believe thearrival of such a day need not wait for the appearance of extraterrestrials.
Part 3: Analyze the problem of realize the modern integration of science and humanity in higher normal education platform from three aspects.
Our objective is: By way pushes to most quickly, the most direct the science and technology this first productive forces the market, benefits the humanity.
Our objective is: By way pushes to most quickly, the most direct the science and technology this first productive forces the market, benefits the humanity.