She hypnotized me with her designs.
She hypnotized him into doing things against his own will.
She hypnotized him into doing things against his own will.
There's something about the sparkle in your eyes that hypnotized me.
The hypnotized person has already known about hypnosis, and what happens after hypnosis.
Once hypnotized, the subject is compelled to obey, no matter how strange or immoral the request.
Over the years I have hypnotized hundreds of people to demonstrate the power of suggestion and imagination.
Start by imagining the type of chord you think best suits the state of mind you've hypnotized yourself into.
The seeking is the hypnotized being wanting to remove the hypnosis and wanting to know how he or she can do it.
The sleepwalker, unlike the hypnotized person, pays no attention to other people and does not take instructions.
I first heard Wright with the National Symphony Orchestra and was simply hypnotized by the beauty of his playing.
You'll push it into memory, then zone out in your Barcalounger, being hypnotized by daytime TV for the rest of your life.
Don't be hypnotized by features and CRM functionality; instead, fixate on the credibility of the data asset building within it.
He became hypnotized by the black and white posters and photographs on the walls of the boxing clubs where he trained and sparred.
While I was hypnotized by the view of Earth, bro Jing asked me how it made me feel. All I could say was that it was very beautiful.
Those who are hypnotized remain in full control of the experience and have the ability to stop or refuse any suggestion at any time.
"Clearly, highly hypnotizable brains are different," said Naish, "but what you do once you are hypnotized is largely down to expectation."
In the process of hypnosis, they just play the special social role of the hypnotized, which means that he will unconditionally obey the hypnotist.
In moments like this I felt hypnotized but also uncomfortable — the woman on the sidelines, the white woman objectifying the body of her black man.
Publishers are hypnotized by imaginary dollar signs when they look at the iPad as a platform that could reinvent publishing and reverse declining revenues.
However, while relatively few people absolutely cannot be hypnotized, by the same token, relatively few people fall within the highest level of responsiveness.
Another way to think about it is to be hypnotized by the hypnotist consciously, to accept the hypnotist's suggestion, so as to achieve the effect of hypnotherapy.
AIM: To explore characteristics and difference of electroencephalogram between high and low hypnotizable subjects in waking relaxation state and hypnotized states.
And when television became the primary medium, people spent even more time as semi-hypnotized consumers of an endless stream of moving images and manipulative sounds.
Currently there are a good variety of media types, and consumers are engulfed by growing information everyday, but those really being "hypnotized" are becoming fewer and fewer.
They stare at the events before them as if hypnotized and incapable of communication neither horror nor joy moves them while the order of their little world gradually dissolves.
They stare at the events before them as if hypnotized and incapable of communication neither horror nor joy moves them while the order of their little world gradually dissolves.