I am here now and I am staying here and continuing to work to fit inside the team because I want to show people the real me.
Small tour guide, I am here now, I lead you to visit, I hope you abide by the order, don't crowded, photography is prohibited.
The judge took a deep breath, and then he said to Mario, "If you ask Charlie to pay, I have to pay you as well, because I am sitting here right now smelling your wonderful sauce. How much should I pay you?"
I never understood why some people would work late into the night and sleep most of their mornings away, but now that I am sitting here, at 1am, listening to the same song on repeat, I get it.
Now I am a 15-year-old veteran foreigner and I am grateful to the Chinese society for giving me an opportunity to make a small difference here.
Now I’m sitting here, it’s past 6 pm, and I realized just how tired I am! I’m also exhilarated by the last couple of days.
现在我正坐在这里,已经晚上6点钟多了。 我现在才意识到我有多累!
Fifty years from now, I hope that there will still be Sami up here. But I am not so sure.
“I am with his mother now and she is very upset, ” Zhang said. “There are many friends and relatives here, but this is very difficult for them.
So now, henceforth, when you say, to declare a function, I am declaring a function here but down here am I quote unquote defining it or implementing it.
I am back here now, but not one of my friends will ever come back here.
As I sit here right now I am eating a 90% dark chocolate bar. : I probably won't finish it, but I won't deny myself if I happen to want to eat every last bite.
The plan is to at some point visit, and right now, I am trying to be as productive as I can be here.
Now then, stand here, because I am going to confront you with evidence before the LORD as to all the righteous ACTS performed by the LORD for you and your fathers.
Now I am going to pull on here and I'm going to increase the tension on the bottom one until one of the two breaks.
Okay. Now this gentleman out here is actually doing it different from what I am doing and what most of you are doing but you know what? He's doing it correctly.
Okay so now I am going to bring the apple up there's some metal here, there are electromagnets and so I throw a switch here so that the electromagnet is activated.
"I got tired of the UK, " she said. "I decided to buy a loom, which came in a flatpack from New Zealand, and now I am here again.
Now I am going to put you in the elevator-- here you are and I'm going to accelerate you down.
I am extremely glad to stand here and honored to speak to you . Now my topic is "A friend in Need is a Friend indeed".
CAROL: Now I understand. But I don't smoke or drink. So what am I supposed to buy in here?
Yes, I managed to get the job I am doing now. I've been working here ever since.
Every day that I wake up now in China, my heart is filled with gratitude and joy because I know that I am here pursuing my dreams and doing what I love.
Now I am in Shanghai, and I have discovered that there is also a franchise here.
David: Well obviously not, Linus, I mean here I am, right? She's probably having her beverage service right about now.
That was the last day I ever saw my first love. Now 4 years later, here I am in CANADA.
In Germany we follow the English game very closely and now I am here, I am just like the fans. I live for football.
In Germany we follow the English game very closely and now I am here, I am just like the fans. I live for football.