There are many kinds of birds in cages, I can not tell all their names.
I can not tell you how much your letter delighted (relieved) (amused) (enchanted) me.
I can not tell you why, but please do what I ask you, and never come near the moor again.
A: I can not tell you when the second session of the fifth round of the Talks will be held.
Is true of, Chen Jie, I can not tell you is who say, but I know, everyone should all know this news now.
My works express some vastness and vagueness of the matter and space. I can not tell the reason. But in my heart, there actually exist.
I can tell you that unicorns are not cats but unicorns don't meow.
I might give it out if it's to a person I can trust during an intensive project, but as a general policy, I tell clients that it's my general policy not to.
But, since I don’t like when people tell me I’m not cut out for something and then give me no pointers on how to become better, I will also explain how you can rectify the issue.
"But more importantly, I can tell you what's not wrong: it's not meningitis or cancer or a brain tumor or some other life-threatening illness."
While I'm not an economist, I can certainly do what they do and look at the Numbers to tell me what's really going on.
If I can't tell that a love is real, If a love might not love me, can I lie and say you do?
I am not going to tell you that I can make a long car or plane trip pleasant or instruct you to happily sing songs in the front seat to spread your joy around.
We both wish we had the career and talent to use the Kubrick excuse, but that's not in the CARDS for now, and as far as I can tell, we don't suffer from any type of OCD.
I see what you mean, said the class know it all.but how can you tell that it's Not Robert Browning?
Well, I can’t tell you what to do or not to do, but I can offer these five tips for ending your summer well.
That way, I can tell ebuild to unpack the archive, but not compile it (just in case I need to inspect the source archive before compilation begins).
I can tell you that the eating disorder will not disappear overnight like many people wish for.
I can tell you that in the pilot phase, we did not have that in the early days.
THERE are many reasons not to travel overseas with small children, and, as far as I can tell, only one reason to do so.
I can tell you from personal experience — trying to get an electric utility where I owned one share not to flood a valley in the Virginia mountains — exactly how hard it is.
In a nutshell, what I can tell you is that we are not being punished or ignored by God when faced with crisis, tragedy or loss. We are simply spiritual beings having a physical existence.
First off I want to say that you can not fake confidence when interacting with women because they can easily tell whether a man is being himself or trying to impress them.
I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more.
Yet jumping off this seemingly endless regress of technology dependence is not easy: I doubt that you can tell people to live simply.
The next day when I greet her, my heart is breaking, and I can barely speak as I say what must be said: "Do not bring me an apple tomorrow," I tell her.
The next day when I greet her, my heart is breaking, and I can barely speak as I say what must be said: "Do not bring me an apple tomorrow," I tell her.