I can not tell you how much your letter delighted (relieved) (amused) (enchanted) me.
I can not tell you why, but please do what I ask you, and never come near the moor again.
A: I can not tell you when the second session of the fifth round of the Talks will be held.
Is true of, Chen Jie, I can not tell you is who say, but I know, everyone should all know this news now.
I can tell you that unicorns are not cats but unicorns don't meow.
But, since I don’t like when people tell me I’m not cut out for something and then give me no pointers on how to become better, I will also explain how you can rectify the issue.
I can tell you that the eating disorder will not disappear overnight like many people wish for.
"But more importantly, I can tell you what's not wrong: it's not meningitis or cancer or a brain tumor or some other life-threatening illness."
First off I want to say that you can not fake confidence when interacting with women because they can easily tell whether a man is being himself or trying to impress them.
I can tell you from personal experience — trying to get an electric utility where I owned one share not to flood a valley in the Virginia mountains — exactly how hard it is.
Yet jumping off this seemingly endless regress of technology dependence is not easy: I doubt that you can tell people to live simply.
I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more.
I can tell you that in the pilot phase, we did not have that in the early days.
In a nutshell, what I can tell you is that we are not being punished or ignored by God when faced with crisis, tragedy or loss. We are simply spiritual beings having a physical existence.
If I can't tell that a love is real, If a love might not love me, can I lie and say you do?
A: About the question on duration of the talks, I can tell you that the talks will continue tomorrow, but I do not have information on the exact concluding date of the talks.
I am not going to tell you that I can make a long car or plane trip pleasant or instruct you to happily sing songs in the front seat to spread your joy around.
I can tell you it is categorically not about money or time. It's about knowledge.
Well, I can't tell you what to do or not to do, but I can offer these five tips for ending your summer well.
Well, I can’t tell you what to do or not to do, but I can offer these five tips for ending your summer well.
I see what you mean, said the class know it all.but how can you tell that it's Not Robert Browning?
Naturally I felt pleased by what he had to say about Anthony Akinola and I did not hesitate to say, “you can never tell with these writers.”
听到他刚刚那番关于AnthonyAkinola 的话,我当然很高兴,而且我脱口对他说道:“你可不能这么跟这些作者说。”
It's not something I follow closely, but I can tell you that I use Google less than half the time for my searches.
If you tell yourself not to think of hamburgers, I can guarantee that all you will think about is hamburgers.
Katia: Oh, I know about the giant turtles, but not that they're from the Galapagos. Can you tell me about it?
If we didn't have those instruments, however, I can tell you with absolute certainty that our band program would not have survived!
Having already spoken with the banker on numerous occasions, I can tell you that he is not in the least sympathetic to our situation.
Having already spoken with the banker on numerous occasions, I can tell you that he is not in the least sympathetic to our situation.