I can still remember how happy I was when we set off.
I can just get out of bed and be thankful that I can still enjoy a new day.
Now…it's chilly in the morning but I can still wear a t-shirt and flip flops.
I can still see the look of despair on so many of the Singer workers faces.
Now... it's chilly in the morning but I can still wear a T-shirt and flip flops.
现在,每天早上都比较冷,但是我还能够只穿着t - shirt和拖鞋。
I can still see and hear it roaring in my head, the unbelievable beauty of Nature.
I can still get my work and my goals accomplished, but it would be annoying to do so.
I can still build a good relationship with them even if I don't see them face-to-face.
Even if I don't have air minutes, I can still send an SMS (Short Message Service).
I can still remember my first day at school. I was only six years old at that time.
(Remember that you cannot do joins with these queries, but I can still search with Numbers.)
In my mind, I can still hear the barrage of gunfire smashing through our wooden barriers.
I can still see the ambulance attendants, in their clean white attire, attending to my injury.
I can still remember that smile, still feel it, though it was more than 35 years ago.Later, Dr.
And there are a lot of things I can still do pretty well.i can still play tennis beautifully.
After the operation I won't be able to lift heavy things, but I can still live with only one kidney.
I just did great on the test. I can still feel some of the effects, but they are starting to wear off.
I can still remember the exhilaration I felt realizing I was actually able to run for such a long time.
Doherty: I can still remember sitting on the bus and thinking, I'm probably not going to have children.
I'm no yogurt-making expert, but the good news is I can still make delicious yogurt in the kitchen, and so can you.
"I pull my beard up and it covers my eyes," Federoff explains. "I can still see through it, but nobody knows it's me.
If not I can still rely on counting popsicles — it might not please the sight, but thank god I seldom do statistics now.
"I always forget, " he told me, "that I can still make it hard for my family there by saying something stupid in the press."
'I can still remember exactly what went through my mind: he's so big, he has orange spiky hair and he's married to a Kennedy.
I can know every single ingredient in a piece of chocolate cake, but when I sit down to eat it, I can still feel the joy.
Late last night Papakipos Tweeted, "I love that in this busy crazy over-connected world I can still keep a secret among friends."
I can get Chinese food; I can still be part of that culture. At the same time, I can get other friends and move outside that circle.
Sure, I can still see the benefits of static typing, especially in my tool sets, but I'm also starting to recognize the disadvantages.
During my entire childhood, I kept this saying in front of me on a small desk in my room. In fact, I can still show you that coaster today.
I can still remember spending months, helplessly barricaded in the basement of one of our many, once beautiful, baroque style buildings.