Really - Sir, without you, I do not believe this man would be standing here today.
'I do not believe this will affect the resetting of our relationship with Russia,' White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said at a briefing in Washington.
白宫发言人吉布斯(Robert Gibbs)在华盛顿的一场吹风会上说,我认为这不会影响我们与俄罗斯关系的重置。
I believe it is not only possible, but in fact easier to do this without deciding the legal question of whether these states have ever been out of the Union.
To this day he still performs improv every Sunday at the Comedy Store, and insists – though I'm not quite sure I believe him – that anyone could learn how to do it if they practised enough.
I am by no means a user experience expert but I do believe that there is not enough effort put into this area.
I don't believe this is a time for defeatism. But I do not underestimate the scale of the challenges we now face.
I do believe there is overwhelming evidence that this is so even though it has not yet been scientifically proven.
I do not believe that my novels have achieved the depth like this, but it will be the permanent pursue of mine in writing.
While I do believe that a better understanding of psychology can help us, I'm not suggesting that this is a silver bullet either.
It all sounds so simple, so perfect and I do believe this to be true it is just hard when you are on life’s ride and you find things do not go according to plan.
Or, "I can't believe this is happening to me and I'm not sure what to do."
I always believe in this world, there must be another myself, doing the I dare not do, live a life I thought.
This is why I do not believe in ozone generators to purify the air.
I know this world do not believe in tears, but sometimes endure the tears also fall.
This is my second bottle and I do believe it has aided me in not catching the flu last season.
I do not believe, however, that this is normal, since in the wild, young with such a large yolk sac probably would not survive without parental protection.
Louise for the first time to explain to me this device, I do not believe that its accuracy is simply too idealistic.
Heard of East Timor and Eiko got married, I now do not believe that this is true!
May, I do not have much work experience, but I am young, strong learning ability, but also willing to study hard, I fully believe that they can be qualified for this job!
I do not believe that she ever had time to notice that she was growing old. This, I think, is the proper recipe for remaining young.
So I comforted her and said: Do not fear, when this old lady said she wanted to believe in Jesus, she had already believed, and God saw that too!
I believe that in this world will be a man waiting for me, although I do not know who I am waiting.
I do not believe that the issues that were reported this morning point to any fundamental weakness in our North Sea operations.
The present situation, if countries across the fortress machine had never thought this situation, I also do not believe killed it.
The present situation, if countries across the fortress machine had never thought this situation, I also do not believe killed it.