Sometimes he can be boring to me, but now, instead I do feel great to have him around on this special day here.
In his first diary, he mentioned, "news is going around about a bad cold virus in Wuhan, but I feel world's away from me and few people wear masks in public."
Because I got an idea of the importance of building long term relationships with clients so that they feel comfortable around you.
I have so much more energy, I'm less moody, I have more enthusiasm and motivation for work, I don't feel drained all the time, and I feel a deeper sense of connection with everything around me.
I feel wet. But I also feel a sense of pride and strength, just by looking at this fisherman and the way the light falls around him.
I find that when you aren't with or around people you love, who care and support you, you feel unhappy.
At times I feel as if I had total knowledge, exhausting the content of this world; at other times the world around me does not make any sense.
When I go around as a blind person, with my stick, ensure of myself among people, I feel that I am an object of respect and admiration.
You may feel as I did in 1999 that the more smart people around the table the more intros you'll have, the more sage advice you'll receive and the more impressive you'll seem to outsiders.
In the shadow of a death raid, I can meet you and feel more intensely alive than walking around in peacetime and taking my life for granted.
I played around with the look and feel of this blog for several weeks before I was pleased.
I believe motivation comes from different places — it's not based on how we feel or even something we have to wait around for.
I'm Jewish, so around the holidays, I feel a little left out, and I was always jealous of my friends decorating their houses and Christmas trees.
You want to get yourselves killed, so do I — I, who am speaking to you; but I do not want to feel the phantoms of women wreathing their arms around me.
Though I took some time to stroll around, and even visited a few stores, I didn't feel the need to buy anything.
"I feel very comfortable at home parties, for every one else around are my good friends, and I can eat and drink to my heart's content," said Susan.
You don't come across a lot of genuine people in this industry and I feel blessed to have someone who will stick around through my bull.
do an “evening tidy-up” each night so I don’t feel like I need torush around, tidying up the apartment, as part of the morning routine
The book was full of clear and concise examples that I could use to easily play around with MongoDB and get a feel for using it.
And I was happy and hot and accomplishing a lot and running around, and I could feel my heart beating, and I felt beautiful.
However, I feel when looking around the website, that they are confused at what they really want to be.
'When I see people around me who are struggling and frightened, it really doesn't feel like a good time' to shop, she says. 'it's not appropriate.
After hearing him from Denver, though, I feel more confident that he'll turn this country around.
Inside my head, though, I did often feel as though something like my own music was swirling around in a rich, strong surge.
With my arms around him hands chained I could feel his heart thudding into mine.
With my arms around him hands chained I could feel his heart thudding into mine.