But I know she's with her loved ones. And she left me knowing I was with mine.
While thus left in communion with my self alone, I know not how I slipped out of the poetical groove into which I had fallen.
The housekeeper left, if I recollect rightly, two years after he came; and another, whom I did not know, was her successor: she lives there still.
I think I was 6 or 7 on that day, maybe younger, but I know I was not 8 because my family had not yet left Somalia.
I know. And the icing on the cake is that I left my wallet in the taxi!
Roy: you know, when I left you this afternoon, I couldn't remember what you looked like, not for the life for me.
I didn't have the words to tell you about it then. I know that's why you left.
I know if it was me alone and people had left me, for sure I should have been playing for Madrid now.
I left Yahoo in 1999, so I don't know exactly how many users they have now, but the last I heard there were about 20,000.
He asked them by reading each a letter he wrote - "Dear Friend, as you know, I recently learned that I have a seven-inch cancerous tumor in my left leg."
I know that some boaters before me drifted left and crashed, and I have discussed and mentally rehearsed ways to correct for this problem.
So after he left your apartment one time, when I was alone there, I don't know, I'm sorry, I opened up his laptop, and I looked through the browser history.
"I don't know how many days I have left so I want to hold a 'living funeral' for myself, to announce my last wish of donating my body for medical studies," Tseng said.
Realizing that this is so, even though I know I wouldn't actually want someone else to have such a right in an unnegotiated, nonconsensual situation, I'm left with two rather uncomfortable questions.
It had taken a long time, and I was glad to know that at least the problem would be resolved before I left.
I left you by the house of fun, I don't know why I didn't come.
If I did not encounter the kind-pei girl, if I have never not left my room, I would not know I was such a lonely.
I cannot lose their life and don't know how to say goodbye, so I didn't say goodbye and left.
“The police harass me everyday because they know I’m Syrian and because I’m poor, ” says Omar. “I was offered a job so I left my village to try and provide a better life for my family.”
I know I have a very limited amount of time left but it would mean the world to both of us to get married - it would be absolutely brilliant.
Before I left for India, I got to know the three Khans—Shurukh, Salman, and Aamir—three of the most popular Bollywood Stars of our time.
Whatever the case, I would love her and she would know it. And that would have to be enough. I thanked God we hadn't left her.
Tom: I know you're not trying to be rude, but sometimes I feel left out. Like a third wheel.
I am sure I ought if I can, quite as much as Charles, for they want me excessively to be acquainted with Captain Wentworth, and I know you do not mind being left alone.
I am sure I ought if I can, quite as much as Charles, for they want me excessively to be acquainted with Captain Wentworth, and I know you do not mind being left alone.