Now I do know people who are happy living this way—for them, I say congratulations on living a life you love.
In the comments Roger - a Content Life touched on thinking of love and relationships as bank accounts and I wanted to expand on this thought a bit now.
在罗杰的评论中- - -要得到满意的生活就要把爱情和其它亲密关系当作银行的账户一样来处理。在这里,我想详细解释一下这个想法。
Just list 3 simple things about any part of your life that you love. Like "3 simple things I love about the room I'm in right now", or "3 simple things I love about this week", or anything else.
But I love my awful life so much right now, that I find it hilarious when I am unable to convince anyone else of it.
I hear Bach now and think: oh, yes, I used to love that. Before. In my other life.
Now, I am not going to try and convince you that there aren't people who do love the rush of throwing the dice-with their life or their bank account.
Now this mountain I must climb. Feels like the world upon my shoulders. Through the clouds I see love shine. It keeps me warm as life grows colder.
I love this city and as for the earthquake... actually, now I think we are coming back to the normal life. Everything is going better.
I love the President of the outcome on the case now, each of us the other half has become a part of life.
I love that feeling of being completely immersed in a book, surfacing from it every now and then and becoming aware of the life.
"I love myself," she answered simply. "I do not want to let my life be destroyed by what I'm doing now."
I walked into the room and was eye to eye with a lovely Hawaiian woman who had studied hula all her life and was now guided to share her love and knowledge of hula with others in the community.
Sometimes I think people invest their careers with the same mythology they do their love lives ---- the great passion, the career that got away, now looms larger than life.
RITA: now I love a handsome American. But I still don't know what I'm going to do with my life.
But if you murdered life that day, then I murdered love, and now I have to live without it.
I reached 30 and I would love to share what life has taught me till now. Hope you will get some insights.
Now finally, I give my best wishes to those who are in pursuit of happiness and love life.
Even now I keep the habit of physical training every morning, whose help let me know that I should be more responsible for my life in return for his love, of course, my mother included.
My imperishable love buried in the twilight of the act, dear of the life that now has a dream, I meet, sleeping in the world.
Someone! You want to remember, I'm waiting for you now, because I really in love with you, I don't want to hurt, just want to happy life!
I love life, love the small lens, now, whenever I encounter setbacks, will be reminded of that memorable things in life.
Also, I realize it may seem foolish to make such an offer to one who cost my Son his life, but I now have a great love and an unchangeable forgiveness in my heart for you.
Insipid now looking at life, I always hope that when the President so as romantic love, then warm.
I love those random memories that make me smile no matter what is going on in my life right now.
I tried my best to get into your life but just found your life was not in need of me; now I don't know what to do to tell you that our love can become reality.
Now that Princeton researchers have untangled that life mystery, maybe someone at M. I. T. can look into the optimal amount of money required to buy us love.
Now 4 years later, here I am in CANADA. I have guy in my life now, whom I am deeply love with after Mamun. I never lose him.
Love is driving on the journey of life in the bus, I happened to meet you in this, have a good time together, and now I have to end alone.
Love is driving on the journey of life in the bus, I happened to meet you in this, have a good time together, and now I have to end alone.