I'll just read through the form again to make sure I haven't missed anything out.
This is real life again, this is once more the great world from which I have been missed so long!
And in the process, I'm once again ensuring that I have access to news that I may have otherwise missed or taken too long to consume with an RSS reader.
I missed the deadline again last week; I suppose that's another nail in my coffin.
Everything once again remember in mind, good hate myself every time missed and made hard in today's world, because of your birthday, teacher, I love you, happy birthday!
That's the way I feel right now, it's a huge sadness once again and I missed the penalty that was so important.
Once my friend Lucy missed the time we had ordered, she was late for half an hour, when she arrive, I got angry and said I did not want to see her again.
I really missed it, it wouldn't be nice to finish the season without having this sensation again.
I'm afraid I missed the boat on that explanation. Would you mind running through it once again?
When I missed the World Cup it was a very bad time. But I was thinking, 'I can't wait for the season again so I can play and score goals and feel the crowd behind me again'.
Now together, may be together, is not together, remember this sentence: I missed, and it may never come again.
For those of you who missed it, here's what Wenger said again: "I cannot stop them talking in Spain."
你们当中可能有人没看到这条新闻,我在这里再引用一遍,温格说: “我没法阻止西班牙的人们说些什么。
I walked alone at night. During my travel, I witnessed again who I had missed — my beloved girl.
We have missed each other, and it is impossible to meet again. Whenever I close my eyes, I feel lonely in my heart.
We have missed each other, and it is impossible to meet again. Whenever I close my eyes, I feel lonely in my heart.