Write a note to my prof and tell him why I missed an exam this morning.
I knew that if I didn't make a note I would lose the thought so I asked to borrow a pen or pencil.
I have a tame doctor who'll always give me a sick note when I want a day off.
Do I detect a note of criticism?
A listening journal isn't all that different, I want you to note your feelings about musical compositions too.
They sent me an invitation with a note, saying I could take a friend for free on the first day.
I lock my office door and put up a Post-It note that says, "Writing Troll – Get Back!" which has a picture of a troll on it.
我锁上办公室并在门上贴上便利贴,上面写着 “写作巨魔——请回!” ,上面还有巨魔的一幅画。
I saw a note lying on the table.
I was happy to receive a note back from her.
They sent me an invitation with a note saying I could take a friend for free on the first day.
I didn't know that she always kept that note, and carried it with her.
Several times lately, I have lain wakeful when there sounded the first note of the earliest lark, which makes me almost glad of my restless nights.
I forgot to put this note in it.
During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note in my car, "Sir, we welcome you to our city."
The teacher sent me home with a note for my mother that said I needed to visit the eye doctor because I failed the vision test.
I was surprised when I read the note which said, "I found this last night."
I was twelve when I wrote it, and I folded the note into her change purse.
Recently, I found a note that my mom left me.
She asked them to complete the note "I wish my teacher knew" and share something about themselves.
He's interested in the music, feeling every note, and I have to say: "Turn, turn!"
"If I'm selfish, as long as I drink the water, I can go out of this room alive," he thought, "If I do as the note said, I might die of thirst. Should I take the risk or not?"
When I came home, I found a note from my mother that said, "Dad has had an accident. Please meet us at the Park Hospital."
If I do as the note says and pour the only water into the pump and no water comes out, I will die of thirst.
One morning my wife asked me to buy some bread on the way home so I took a $10 note out of my wallet.
Attached to it was a birthday card with a note explaining why her mother and I had put the album together.
He just sent money and a little note about how great his garden looked now because I wasn't playing football in it.
Six years later, I run the code in Listing 1 on this modern configuration (which I use for every benchmark result in this article unless I note otherwise).
I note they are still prepared to dress her up and wheel her out when it suits them.
Some of these operations are inherently riskier than others. When these differences are important, I note that fact.
Some of these operations are inherently riskier than others. When these differences are important, I note that fact.