I ride a bike and use aerobic equipment twice a week, and work out with a trainer, lifting weights.
I remember the last festival put a few days off, I really do not know how to spend the few days, so he decided to class a few students to go, I ride a bike, let it roam freely in the broad highway on.
I am not a learner as such – I used to ride a bike years ago.
I can't ride a bike. Would you like it?
When I learned to ride a bike, I asked him not to leave me alone, but he said it was time.
As I sat along our (at last) quiet street, watching her go back and forth in front of our home, I thought about how learning to ride your bike is usually something a kid will remember.
My new job comes with some great perks: the fact that I'm three miles and a short bike ride away; I can come home for lunch and see the dog; I have steady hours and a steady paycheck.
SCOTT: We'll have to get you to a hospital. I can ride you on the back of my bike.
It was an evening in early May of 2008 and I decided to go for a short bike ride around the block.
To that end, I have been taking swimming lessons and have started to learn to ride a bike.
There's the small corner store, just a quick bike ride down one street and up another, where I can get an ice-cold soda in a glass bottle with the red metal cap.
In my case, I went a little extreme with that initial 44 mile bike ride, but I've been biking regularly ever since.
I was 29km into a 30km bike ride, struggling up one of the final inclines.
I taught Trey to ride a bike, but not before running off curbs and toppling over about a dozen times first.
Long ago I used to ride a bike with my friend rushing round the East Lake, appreciating flowers and willows on the way, wearing little flower and grass on my hair, I was happy!
That’s exactly how I felt and this short bike ride turned into a 1 hour long bike ride.
That's exactly how I felt and this short bike ride turned into a 1 hour long bike ride.
At the 31 mile mark I gave Andrei my bike, an easy to ride Gary Fisher Zebrano hybrid, so he could rest a bit.
I stepped it up to 15 miles and then finally I did a single 22 mile bike ride a few days before June 7.
Because of the cold weather, father often takes me to school, so I don't have to ride my bike or take a bus.
Because of the cold weather, father often takes me to school, so I don 'thave to ride my bike or take a bus.
Everytime I go to take class, walking or ride a bike on the road decorated by golden Ginkgo biloba alongside.
Learning to ride a bike is such a memerable thing that I' m only master it but also understand the love of my father.
Although buses and cars are faster and more convenient, I still prefer to ride a bike. I get much pleasure from it.
I can ride a bike and see the places I would like to see and enjoy the beautiful weather.
What if I'm planning a long run or bike ride that's going to keep me out for a few hours? Should I eat more?
I want to grow up to be a doctor. I didn't like playing video games, but I like reading some books. I ride bike to school. I go to school from Monday to Friday.
To help with the environment, I always walk or ride a bike to school instead of taking a car.
To help with the environment, I always walk or ride a bike to school instead of taking a car.