When I said I don't smoke, she gave me 3 packets of tissues that would be useful for my runny nose.
I have been having watery eyes, runny nose, and this cough for almost a week now.
I feel absolutely horrible. My temperature is 41 degrees Celsius, and I've got a headache and a runny nose.
I came across the Sambucol syrup and thought I would give it a try. After being on it for about a week, both the runny nose and wet cough disappeared.
Two weeks before the fever, and then sometimes have to cough runny nose now, I give him amoxicillin eat, I do not know these are not a factor!
Lilei: I have a runny nose and have been sneezing. doctor: Well, it seems you've caught a cold.
Bad news I have been sent home from hospital, I have a small cold I am sneezing and a runny nose.
Bad news I have been sent home from hospital, I have a small cold I am sneezing and a runny nose.