So instead of saying "this is what she said," it would be fairer for me to say, "this is what I got, or at least what I remember."
Interpretation of divergence. You can think of it, you know, what do I want to say first?
“But I really think it is rather hard to say in just what the beauty of the desert consists, ” said Miss Dwyer.
What does that look like? And, again, when I say cylinder, it could be a piece of cylinder.
Second, and perhaps most important, I wanted people who wouldn't normally author to find it comfortable authoring, so that there stood a chance of us discovering the structure of what they had to say.
It was like nothing I've ever done before, and I had all these preconceived notions of the type of people who went to therapy. What would I say when I get in there?
If there is a stridency in what I say it is because I believe Nigeria is once again on the brink of a precipice.
And say what I could, I was incapable of making her comprehend it to be her own; so I rose and covered it with a shawl.
We haven't conducted a systematic study of this yet, so what I say is anecdotal for the moment, but there seems to be very widespread agreement about it, ” she says.
But the most famous response of his was to say "I am not going to try to make up any explanation of how gravity works why it does what it does."
Due to space limitations I will skip the details of what followed suffice it to say when the ambulance picked me up off the street, I was drenched in my own blood.
Let's say I did buy one of these posters: what on earth am I supposed to do with it?
Student: What I am trying to say overall it that most people are capable of feeling love in some sort of Nobody wants the capacity they want the realization.
Literary theory, as I say, is skeptical about the foundations of its subject matter and also, in many cases, about the foundations of what it itself is doing.
At least the largest participant knows what its part of the market looks like-or rather I should say it can know, because sometimes it does, and sometimes it doesn't.
"I know what you think of me," I say. I hadn't known I would say it.
I can't possibly draw the line and say exactly where somebody else's ideas end and my own begin and to what extent it colors my work because most of that borrowing is done subconsciously.
If it doesn't matter what the fitness games say about my body because they're full of s***, then I don't worry about my body so much when I play them.
If I now say, I'm going to go ahead and change the radius of this, something, my polar form did it right, but what happened to the Cartesian form?
I will not think of it any more. I say to myself again and again that no matter what result it may be, I will move forward boldly and walk out a road that belongs to myself uniquely.
I will not think of it any more.I say to myself again and again that no matter what result it may be, I will move forward boldly and walk out a road that belongs to myself uniquely.
Then of course if you say you love the Club and you are below what people are expecting from you, that is the only way I will consider it.
What others say "he knows everything about the world and you can give a trophy for what he does off the pitch.".. I try and learn from him on the pitch, not off of it.
So in other words, if I say what's the partial pressure of CS2, well, since it's not the simple ideal case, actually I don't know what it is in general.
I have found it an 18 year project to get to the point where I don't really care what other people think of my value in their eyes so I don't say it lightly when I point out this needs to be done.
I've been there, and I can say that it leads to a lot of striving, and a lot of dissatisfaction with who you are and what your life is.
We will also publish a text of most of what I say so you can read it afterwards if you miss parts.
We will also publish a text of most of what I say so you can read it afterwards if you miss parts.